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HR Management

Use media to boost the organization’s stature (and yours)

Issue: The media’s growing interest in HR and workplace issues. Benefit: By gaining publicity for your organization, you can aid recruitment efforts and earn kudos from top brass. Action: …

Compliments on dress and hair don’t equal sex harassment

A female supervisor repeatedly complimented a female customer service rep on her choice of jewelry, clothing and hairstyle. The rep sued, alleging the constant comments were harassing and constituted a hostile …

ERISA: Monitor compliance to avoid legal challenges

THE LAW. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) governs the administration of private employers’ employee benefit plans and the rights of plan beneficiaries. Congress passed the law in …

Focus on employee results, not face time

A new OfficeTeam survey asked employees what one thing would give them more job satisfaction. The runaway winner: more schedule flexibility (33 percent). The lesson: If possible, stagger schedules to …

Start using new OSHA injury log this month

Employers that are required to complete an OSHA Form 300 (Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) must start using a newly revised form Jan. 1.
The form includes several changes, …

Your cost-saving plan of the year: Health Savings Accounts

Issue: The new Medicare law allows employees to set up tax-free savings accounts to cover uninsured medical costs. Benefit: Setting up HSAs for employees could allow you to offer them …

Congress gives all employers ability to confirm I-9 documents

By Dec. 1, 2004, all U.S. employers will have the option of using a phone-based system to check whether new hires have the right to work in the United States.

Break time must be uninterrupted time

Spread the word that nonexempt employees’ breaks and meal times should be used for those purposes, not for work. And put the policy in writing. That may force you to juggle …

Not all ADD, ADHD diagnoses qualify as protected ‘disability’

Unfortunately, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doesn’t come with a laundry list of conditions that qualify as disabilities. So what about attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder …

You can set ‘no rehire’ policy for workers fired for misconduct

The Supreme Court last month handed employers more power to set and enforce policies that deny rehiring to employees fired for misconduct. The court said such “no-rehire” policies are valid reasons …