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HR Management

Keep health data private: ‘HIPAA time’ nears for small firms

Issue: The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) places new privacy requirements on employers. Risk: Smaller businesses must start complying in April. Fines range from $100 per violation …

Vague policy could entitle employees to extra vacation pay

Issue: Must unused vacation time always be paid when employees leave?
Risk: An unclear vacation policy could allow terminated employees to sue your organization and collect additional pay.
Action: …

Don’t lash out at workers who take jury-duty leave

Issue: Can a small organization point to its size as a valid reason to deny jury-duty leave?
Risk: State law exemptions won’t necessarily protect you from this type of lawsuit. …


Issue: Retaliation complaints by employees doubled in the past decade.
Risk: Even if you escape liability on an initial employment lawsuit, you could be smacked with a secondary retaliation charge. …

Employment contracts: Can your workers claim an ‘implied’ contract?

Issue: Drafting a legally sound employment contract and avoiding “implied contract” claims.
Benefit/risk: While employment contracts can offer your organization additional legal rights, they also expose you to new legal …

Clarify your vacation policy or cough up extra pay

Issue: Must you always pay employees for their unused vacation time when they depart your organization?
Risk: An unclear vacation policy could allow terminated employees to sue you and collect …

Office betting pools: Nice diversion or super problem?

Issue: This is prime office-pool season: the Super Bowl, followed by the NCAA basketball tournament. Risk: Betting pools can sap productivity, but the real danger comes from compulsive gamblers on …

You can’t play politics with employees’ political choices

Issue: In this election year, politics will become a hot topic around the water cooler.
Risk: Retaliating against employees for their off-site political activities or comments can run you into …

Review state law on voting leave

Issue: Some states require you to give employees time off to vote. Benefit: You typically don’t have to pay for this “voting leave.” Action: Learn your state law and …

Beware labor’s pitch to create union sympathizers

As AFL-CIO union membership continues to decline, it’s trying another tack: creating an army of nonunionized workers to rally support for its causes. Rather than organizing individual workplaces, this program, dubbed …