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HR Management

How to prevent growing risk of ‘negligent supervision’ suits

Thorough background checks can help you defeat any negligent hiring claim.
But what if applicants’ background checks come up clean, yet they begin displaying troublesome behavior at your workplace. In …

Don’t oversell job openings; you’ll risk a fraud lawsuit

Issue: Misrepresenting a job offer by failing to disclose key facts or overselling the position.
Risk: Hiring managers who don’t tell the full story about a job could expose the …

Age difference of six years or less destroys employee’s age-bias claim.

A 54-year-old supervisor’s management duties were handed to a 48-year-old employee. The supervisor sued under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. A federal appeals court tossed out the case. Court’s reason: …

Cut lost work days with earlier disability-claim notice

Short-term disabilities don’t last as long at organizations where em-ployees report their disability claims quickly, a new report indicates.
CIGNA Group Insurance found that organizations whose claims are reported within …

Do your paper receipts comply with new law?

If your receipts still display customers’ full credit card numbers, alert your top brass to a new law change: The renewed Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires business receipts to …

Stop ‘cybersquatters’ who try to hijack your Web address

Issue: How to secure the rights to Internet domain names that are related to your organization and its products.
Benefit: You have the legal right to prevent cybersquatters from usurping …

Stop disgruntled staff from hijacking your Web domains

Issue: Former employees with an ax to grind against your organization can register Web domain names that your organization may want for itself. Benefit: You can prevent them from doing …

Light a fire under execs to perform an ‘energy audit’

Issue: Some utilities and government groups offer businesses free energy audits. Benefit: By suggesting such audits, you position yourself as a strategic thinker looking out for the organization’s bottom line. …

Use software to block employee music downloads

Just one hip-hopping employee downloading tunes can sap your computer resources, expose you to legal problems and kill productivity. Advice: Make sure your computer-use policy prohibits music downloads and outlines punishments. …

4 ways to improve your disability-management program

Issue: Poorly managed disability-management programs and rising costs can reduce your organization’s profits. Benefit: By making disability programs more efficient, you boost the bottom line and your stature in the …