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HR Management

Squeeze the most value from your EAP

Issue: Many organizations don’t reap the full financial benefits from their employee-assistance programs (EAPs) because employees underuse them. Benefits: When fully used …

Features to look for in performance-appraisal software

Issue: Choose the software that best suits your organization’s needs. Benefits: Involving managers in the evaluation process not only helps you find the most appropriate software, it prompts them to …

Help a rookie manager, and create an ally for life

Issue: New managers need your help, especially in their first three months. Benefits: Smoother management transitions, and they’ll see you as an asset rather than as a nuisance. Action: …

Beware ‘slacker support’ Web sites

You know that some employees cruise the Web at work. But did you know that many sites actively encourage it and even give users ways to deceive their bosses? Sites such …

Small organizations: Prepare for looming HIPAA deadline

Last year, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) required organizations that sponsored large health care plans (more than $5 million in premiums or claims) to start complying with …

Review I-9 compliance through Homeland Security’s eyes

When an employee gives you a Social Security card or other document to complete the I-9 Form, how far must you go to prove that the document is genuine? You can …

Be consistent when you discipline and terminate


Q. We fired one of our truck drivers after giving him a written warning about continued lateness in completing weekly logs. Should we have taken any other action prior to his termination? —R.W., California

How to spot warning signs of chronic absenteeism

Issue: Employees who miss work frequently often show predictable patterns.
Benefit: Knowing which people are likely to avoid work can help cut costly absenteeism.
Action: Once you know how …

Keep injury/illness summary posted until April 30

Reminder: Keep your summary of job-related injuries and illnesses that occurred in your workplace last year posted until April 30. (Prior to 2003, you had to post that data only through …

Worker’s on-duty errand can spark liability

Your organization is typically liable for injuries caused by employees when they’re “acting within the scope of employment.” You aren’t liable when employees cause injuries on their own free time. But …