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HR Management

Mold is gold: Identify problems to avoid lawsuits

A new National Academy of Sciences study says damp, moldy buildings can make asthma worse and cause coughing and other respiratory problems in healthy people. And mold …

12 ways to slay the health care inflation dragon

Issue: The CEO is looking over HR’s shoulder, expecting you to find the magic bullet to reduce health-insurance costs. Benefit: Saving the organization money …

To cut turnover, give applicants a realistic view of job

Issue: How much should you, or the hiring manager, “sell” a position versus giving the full picture, warts and all? Risk: Providing an overly rosy scenario will create …

Ease pay complaints & turnover by training managers


More often than not, employees believe that their pay levels are pulled out of a hat. And when employees do raise questions about their compensation, they typically go first to their front-line supervisor: the person with the greatest impact on their morale but the least-trained person to offer a good answer …

You can set rules on when employees take vacation time

While vacation time is a mainstay of basic benefit packages, employers are not legally required to offer paid vacation to employees. But if you do offer vacation time, don’t be afraid …

You’ll have more time to revamp COBRA notices

You and your health plan administrator will soon need to provide more specifics on COBRA rights to departing employees, according to final rules published recently by the U.S. Labor Department. The …

Draw staff to your intranet (not your door) for HR basics

Issue: Your intranet is packed with valuable HR information, but few employees are using it. Benefit: If employees see the intranet, not your office, as the first stop for HR …

Use severance as a hiring tool; more applicants ask

Issue: Survivors of recent layoffs are asking about severance plans before signing on. Benefit: More than ever, a good severance plan can help lure the best candidates. Action: Trumpet …

Monitor employees’ e-mail, but notify them first

Issue Employees wrongly assume their e-mail musings are private, privileged communications. Risk: If you don’t eliminate that belief, you’ll open your organization to disputes and lawsuits. Action: Require employees …

Prepare to revamp COBRA notices

The U.S. Labor Department just published final rules that set new minimum standards for the timing and content of COBRA continuing health insurance notices. The rules, which come with sample notices …