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HR Management

Include handheld devices in your computer-use policy

Smart companies draft policies that dictate appropriate use of company PCs, e-mail and phones. But more than 80 percent of companies fail to establish policies on handheld devices like PDAs. Employees …

Take note of latest union tactic: ‘virtual’ organizing

In an effort to bolster dwindling memberships, unions are taking their organizing message to the Internet, rather than your physical work site.
Latest example: One of the nation’s largest unions, …

When in doubt, print it out: Don’t change policy via e-mail

Issue: How to notify employees of new employment policies or changes to existing policies. Risk: A new court ruling says that using solely e-mail notification can lead to unwanted legal …

Use personality tests as tool, not stand-in, for hiring process

Issue: When can (and should) you use personality testing to screen applicants? Benefit: More tests are available online, which makes them easier and cheaper …

Trump ‘The Donald’ with benefits of apprenticeships

Issue: Your organization can benefit from government-backed apprenticeship programs. Benefit: Such programs can help you attract better applicants, cut turnover …

Base salaries on most accurate surveys; weed out bad data


Salary surveys are plentiful, but many are poorly designed. The risk: Flawed surveys can hurt your organization’s ability to compete for top people …

Would your harassment training pass legal muster? 5 fixes

Issue: In harassment and discrimination lawsuits, courts examine whether your training is effective, frequent or formal enough. Risk: Simply having a …

Check state rules, not just federal, on OT eligibility

With all the talk about new federal overtime-eligibility rules, remember this: Some states set their own rules that may contradict federal law. In such cases, you must follow whichever law is …

Should you take on OSHA as a partner?

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers several avenues for employers to establish alliances with the agency. Possible benefits …

Remind employees to closely read the forms and policies they sign

Make sure to clearly inform employees who take medical or disability leave at the outset about the length and terms of their leave and the consequences of failing to return to …