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HR Management

Skeptical of ‘Spouse’ on benefit plan? Ask for proof


Q. A few of our employees have added their spouses to our health benefits plan. We’ve heard through the grapevine that some of these “couples” aren’t actually married. Can we check on this without being discriminatory? —L.C., Illinois

Enforce ‘truth statement’ on applications

If your organization’s job application doesn’t include a “statement of accuracy,” add one fast. In signing, applicants promise they’ve given complete and accurate answers. Such statements provide a solid legal basis …

Bilingual bias: Don’t overwork staff who speak multiple languages

You’re free to assign employees based on their foreign-language ability. For example, you can assign bilingual Spanish-speaking employees to serve customers who
speak Spanish.
But remind managers not to …

Erase ideas of ‘implied contract’ with repeated at-will statements

Make sure all versions of your company policies, whether in employee handbooks, online policies or even offer letters, contain clear at-will employment statements.
As this ruling shows, you won’t be …

Protecting workers from harassment isn’t a ‘one and done’ deal

Your best defense against a hostile environment claim is proof that you took quick and effective steps to stop the hostility. But courts won’t look kindly on your efforts if you …

Quiet a legal storm: Close during weather emergencies

The hurricanes that battered Florida and the Gulf states this summer pushed an HR question to the forefront: Can employers require employees to report to work during an ordered evacuation or …

Tell employees to read each form; don’t summarize

Issue: The danger of telling employees “Don’t bother reading that; it probably doesn’t apply to you.” Risk: Courts may view your action as a cover-up, sparking …

The new OT rules: You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers

If you’re like most HR professionals, you’ve been scrambling in recent months to pull your organization in line with the Labor Department’s new rules defining …

‘Creative workplace’ defense won’t beat harassment suit

Issue: A court ruling said sitcom writers have a “creative necessity” to engage in overtly sexual banter.
Risk: While the TV network was allowed to use this defense in a …

Handle sticky-fingered employees with kid gloves

Issue: HR must walk a legal tightrope when employees are suspected of in-house theft. Risk: A bungled theft investigation increases your organization’s …