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HR Management

Lock in employees’ reasons for quitting

To prove “constructive discharge,” employees must show that their employer made the work environment so intolerable that it forced them to quit.
So, how can you prevail in such lawsuits …

It’s now less costly to settle job-discrimination claims

A little-noticed provision in the new tax law will benefit employers who are looking to settle discrimination lawsuits for the lowest possible amount.
Victorious plaintiffs in discrimination cases can now …

New law may help save money when settling lawsuits

A little-noticed piece of a new tax law allows victorious plaintiffs in discrimination cases to take a full tax deduction for their attorney’s fees and court costs. Until now, for example, …

Buying Savings Bonds via payroll deduction is now easier

Under new Treasury Department rules, it’s now easier for em-ployees to buy U.S. Savings Bonds through payroll deduction. Employees can arrange for a specific amount from their paychecks to be placed …

Improve the odds for on-the-job training

Whether you take responsibility for on-the-job training, or hand it over to the most senior employee, or trust every team member with training, you need to make sure you’re all well-prepared to support efficient and effective learning.

Learn how to handle employees with ‘intellectual disabilities’

If your organization employs, or is considering employing, people with so-called “intellectual disabilities,” obtain a copy of a new EEOC fact sheet that explains how to legally accommodate those employees under …

All-Electronic HR Files? Your Call if State Law Agrees


Q. You recently said that I-9 forms can now be stored electronically. To save on office space and filing time, our department is considering scanning and electronically filing all personnel files and documents. Is this OK? —S.S., California

Keep track of your departed all-stars

If a talented employee resigns from your organization (say, for example, a new mom decides to stay at home), don’t erase that person from your memory. Build a database of competent …

Take the first step toward your 2005 promotion

Issue: Performing an HR department audit to gauge your organization’s compliance and lawsuit risks.
Benefit: Head off legal action, streamline your HR processes and earn kudos from the boss for …

Managing electronic records: Email purging guidelines


Smart organizations educate their employees about acceptable email use and follow a policy of regular computer-file purging to keep the company network free of unnecessary data  storage. But what …