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HR Management

Illness controlled by medicine can still be a ‘disability’

Issue: Whether employees are considered “disabled” if their ailments can be kept in check by corrective treatments.
Risk: Many employers wrongly assume that corrective treatments wipe out an employee’s ADA …

Sink the hook into coveted candidates

Issue: Luring stars from other employers.
Benefit: Good first impressions breed a high percentage of responses.
Action: Urge hiring managers to follow this three-step format when breaking the ice. …

Explore new generation of Internet-based payroll services

Issue: Web-based payroll services for small businesses offer more features than ever, and at better prices.
Benefit: Save HR time and cut your administrative costs.
Action: Look into the …

Prevent union criticism for ‘offshoring’ jobs

In an effort to shame U.S. companies into keeping jobs in America, the AFL-CIO has launched a Web page that lists 200,000 employers who have moved jobs overseas (so-called “offshoring”). The …

New ‘.jobs’ Web addresses earn initial approval

The Internet’s main oversight agency gave preliminary approval last month for the creation of a new domain name, .jobs, that would make it easier for employers to promote job openings on …

Payroll records: What to track (and for how long)


Violating Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) timekeeping rules can be a costly error, as the hospital in one case discovered. The FLSA requires employers to keep at least the following …

Well-meaning assistance won’t always mean you view worker as ‘disabled’

If your organization regards an employee as having a
“disability”, even if his or her condition doesn’t rise to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)’s definition, your actions could cause …

Probe all complaints; even positive review can trigger retaliation claim

Can supervisors be guilty of retaliation if they give a mostly positive performance review? Yes, it’s possible.
As the following case shows, if an employee views any part of her …

‘Equal-opportunity harasser’ defense may not save you in court

You may think that if an employee subjects both male and female co-workers to the same offensive conduct, employees of neither sex can file a sexual-harassment lawsuit.
In past cases, …

Don’t retaliate against employee who is arrested; await case result

When dealing with employees who’ve had brushes with the law, remember that a big difference exists between “arrests” and “convictions.”
It’s clear that you can fire employees convicted of crimes. …