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HR Management

Check state law before deducting cost of lost tools


Q. We want to start a policy that would deduct the cost of tools from employees’ final paychecks if the tools aren’t returned or if they’re returned damaged. Can we legally do this? —M.P., Kansas

Poke holes in your absence policy before a court does

Issue: How consistently do you treat employee absences?
Risk: Many organizations’ attendance policies, inadvertently or not, include legally risky doublespeak.
Action: Examine your policy, looking for contradictions and inconsistencies …

Turn to temporary managers to fill gaps and cut costs

Issue: Temporary managers and executives can fill a short-term void and save money in the long run.
Benefit: Filling the right positions with interim replacements can enhance your reputation as …

Trim your 401(k) expenses by knowing what’s ‘average’

Issue: Paying higher-than-average administrative costs for your organization’s 401(k) plan.
Risk: Smaller companies unwittingly shell out bigger fees.
Action: Don’t take 401(k) fees at face value; shop around and …

Work with managers to motivate part-time employees

Issue: Improving the productivity of your part-time employees.
Risk: Part-timers often feel, and are sometimes treated, like second-class citizens, which can hurt their performance.
Action: Work with supervisors to …

Crank up retention efforts; 75 percent looking to jump ship

If your organization’s turnover rate hasn’t picked up recently, it’s only a matter of time. That’s the message of
a new Society for Human Resource Management survey that says 75 …

Best benefits can be found in the public sector

Possibly to offset lower salaries, jobs in the nonprofit and government sectors typically come with richer employee benefits than similar private-sector jobs, according to a new Mercer HR Consulting study. It …

Temps can no longer bargain alongside regular employees

Good news for employers: A new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling makes it much more difficult for temporary employees to join the same union as the organization’s permanent employees.

New Web site targets companies that have sent jobs packing

The AFL-CIO is providing a new online soapbox for employees who’ve seen their jobs moved overseas. The union has launched a new Web page that lists 200,000 U.S. employers who have …

I-9s: Online or on paper?


Q. Congress just gave employers the OK to maintain I-9 records electronically. I do payroll for a church. How can we make the switch from paper to electronic? —D.K., Arkansas