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HR Management

Give employees a grace period to spend FSA dollars

If you allow employees to pay for health- and dependent-care expenses through a tax-advantaged flexible spending account (FSA), you can now give them an extra 21/2 months to spend the money. …

Can favoritism amount to a ‘hostile’ work environment?

As if there weren’t enough complications when co-workers are paramours, here’s another: Those who aren’t part
of the love affair feel slighted when
the bedded ones are promoted, and …

Employee returning from FMLA? Alter pay only in rare situations

When employees return from FMLA leave, they’re entitled to their same or equivalent position, pay and working conditions. If you try to place someone in a lower paying or lower-prestige job, …

Jury duty: How to manage leave requests and pay issues

THE LAW. No one is immune from jury duty. Even Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was called for duty
in his Massachusetts hometown. Al-though Breyer was dismissed from the pool, …

Attack tardiness with progressive discipline


Q. Several of our assistants are constantly late. What can we do to get them to come to work on time? —A.A., Virginia

Require hands-free phone usage in company vehicles

Issue: More states are placing restrictions on when drivers (and which drivers) can use wireless devices while driving.
Risk: Your organization may be liable when distracted employees on cell phones …

Banning male employees’ long hair is OK


Q. Can we require male employees’ hair be a certain length, or is that discrimination? Also, can we say male employees can’t have beards? —C.H., Illinois

Should you offer a phased-retirement program?

Issue: New government rules will let older employees work part time while receiving some of their pension benefits.
Benefit/risk: That could help you retain older employees but may heap large …

EEOC following up on promise to crack down on Hispanic bias

The EEOC announced in 2003 that it would work to counteract workplace discrimination against Hispanic employees, and the agency is making good on its promise.
EEOC chief Cari Dominquez, who …

Train managers how to spot bias and take complaints

Issue: Employers can be liable for sexual harassment if they “knew or should have known” about it but failed to act.
Risk: Courts increasingly say you “know” of harassment once …