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HR Management

What to include in a camera-Phone policy


Q. I’m looking to create a company policy regarding cell phones with photographic capabilities. Any suggestions? —L.B., California

Thwart FMLA abuse with periodic calls, check-ins

Issue: Many HR professionals believe they’ve unwittingly approved FMLA leave for fraudulent reasons.
Benefit: A new court ruling makes it easier for you to check up on employees on FMLA …

5 ways to earn immediate respect for HR

Issue: How to make senior execs view you as a bottom-line contributor, not a “necessary evil” in your organization.
Benefit: Gain respect and build evidence for your next pay-raise negotiation. …

Background check isn’t enough; tight supervision keeps liability at bay

Your organization can be held liable for “negligent hiring” if an employee commits a crime and you could have (or should have) prevented it. That’s why it’s crucial to run background …

Don’t shrug off complaints of female-on-male harassment

If a male employee complains about sexually harassing comments by a female co-worker, how would your supervisors respond?
Too often, bosses (and some HR professionals) laugh off such “reverse” harassment …

Don’t make ex-Employees pay training costs


Q. We’ve started requiring employees to repay the company (through payroll deduction) for training costs if they quit or are fired within one year. Are we OK legally? —S.M., Kentucky

Stay distant from voluntary-benefits vendors

There are many upsides to offering voluntary benefits such as long-term care insurance, prepaid legal services and pet insurance. However, if you link such programs too closely with your regular benefit plan, your organization could incur liability. Here are three ways to keep your distance.

Always verify FMLA eligibility before approving leave

Issue: Courts won’t look kindly on employers that OK an employee’s FMLA leave but then change their minds.
Risk: In such cases, courts could grant FMLA rights even if the …

Adapt technology to disabled staff … within your means

Issue: Various new technologies allow disabled people to be productive at work.
Risk: Courts say employers must provide such adaptive technologies in line with their resources.
Action: Here’s how …

Warn travelers to look for hotel-bill mistakes

A remarkable 11.6 percent of hotel invoices include billing mistakes, resulting in U.S. travelers’ overpaying for rooms by a half-billion dollars each year, according to Wichita-based Corporate Lodging Consultants. On average, …