Hopefully, reading about multimillion-dollar lawsuit verdicts has motivated you to implement anti-harassment and discrimination employee training. But how good is the training you’re giving? It’s a question worth asking. Reason: …
?’Winging it’ during interviews poses double danger Using unstructured, “tell me about yourself” questions during job interviews not only opens you to discrimination claims, it often results in poor …
Q. One of our female employees says her ex-boyfriend is stalking her. She hasn’t been able to get a restraining order against him. We’re worried that he may show up and do her or other workers harm. Can we fire or suspend her? —B.L., Florida
Issue: Who qualifies for protection under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)? Risk: Many supervisors mistakenly believe that women must be pregnant to be covered under PDA. Not true. …
Some of your employees may be a month into their New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. But what if you, as an organization, wanted to kick the habit in a different way—by refusing to hire employees that smoke?
Salary increases will average only 3.5 percent this year and are projected to remain at the same level in 2006, says the Conference Board. For the third consecutive year, the Conference …
The U.S. Labor Department launched a campaign to build awareness of its Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network (EARN), which matches skilled disabled employees with private-sector job openings. The site, www.earnworks.com, has …
The world of disability accommodation is complex. New adaptive technologies hit the market every day. How can employers keep up? The answer varies depending on your organization’s resources. Large companies, …
Q. We terminated an employee after we caught him downloading software and movies onto his own CDs and DVDs. After he left, we found discs that contained copied movies in his desk. Now he’s asking for his belongings back. Are we required to return the discs? —D.V.
Issue: You’re paying for time that employees aren’t working because they punch each other’s timecards. Risk: Such “buddy punching” can cost companies thousands in wasted payroll dollars. Action: Stop …