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HR Management

Brace for higher state minimum wages

Currently, 17 states set minimum wages above the $5.15 federal minimum and you can expect that number to rise. Two key reasons: The increasing pain at the gas pump and expected …

Employees can disobey bias-tainted orders

When an employee refuses to carry out an order, supervisors may automatically think such insubordination is worthy of discipline or firing. Not so fast! That initial response, punish the employee, may …

Don’t drag your feet on employees’ accommodation requests

Some problems will eventually go away if you wait long enough. But that’s not the attitude to take when employees request workplace accommodations for their physical or mental conditions.
The …

Teach managers how to handle staff returning from injury

Issue: Employees who return from injury leave may or may not be covered under the ADA.
Risk: By treating employees as if they’re “disabled” (even if they’re not), supervisors create …

Using insensitive nicknames can spell bias

Issue: Some supervisors, particularly males, try to bond with employees by giving them nicknames.
Risk: When nicknames are insensitive to a protected class (race, ethnicity, etc.), they could trigger hostile-environment …

Know your ADA responsibilities for employees with cancer

The EEOC published a Q&A document last month explaining when cancer is a “disability” under the ADA and how you should accommodate employees with cancer.
More than 1 million Americans …

EEOC revises definition of ‘timely’ discrimination charge

To file a legal workplace discrimination claim with the EEOC, employees must show that the alleged discrimination occurred within a certain time frame or filing “threshold.” Now, the EEOC has revised …

Congress moves closer to association health plan

This finally may be the year Congress authorizes association health plans, which would allow small businesses to participate in health insurance plans through trade associations that span state lines. The House …

Lure ‘passive’ job candidates with the right first impression

Issue: Recruiting “passive” job candidates requires a different strategy than ones used to attract active job-seekers.
Benefit: Choose the right words in that initial contact to prevent quick rejections and …

Combat tardiness with progressive discipline

Q. Some of our assistants are good employees, but they’re constantly late. What can we do to get them to come to work on time? —A.A., Virginia