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HR Management

Use random tests to combat drug-test cheaters

Can you trust negative drug test results anymore? The Internet is flooded with products, more than 400 by one count, that help employees and job candidates cheat on drug tests. The …

Beware of hidden legal risks in annual HR audits

Issue: HR audits can help you identify weak points in your employment-law compliance.
Risk: If you don’t act on the audit’s recommendations (and employees find out) that mistake can kill …

Don’t play ‘Name game’ with newly wed employees


Q. One of our employees recently got married. She’s informally going by her new last name, but she hasn’t changed her name on her Social Security card to her married name and doesn’t plan to. We submit all payroll information using her maiden name. Do we face any liability? —L.K., Missouri

A surprise inspection can uncover discrimination before it’s too late

There may be areas of your workplace that supervisors, and maybe even HR, rarely visit, such as locker rooms, loading docks and break rooms. But don’t take a “hear no evil, …

Check state, local laws on sexual-orientation bias

No federal law grants job discrimination protection for people due to their sexual orientation or “gender identity,” but many employers are unaware that several state and local laws make workplace bias …

Automatic 401(k) enrollment to become more common

Look for the U.S. Labor Department to issue proposed regulations by the end of 2005 that will encourage employers to automatically enroll employees in their 401(k) plans.
Currently, most employers …

Heed new driving-time limits for truck drivers

If you employ commercial truck drivers, take note of new federal rules governing how much time they can drive before having to take breaks.
The U.S. Transportation Department rules took …

Involve all relevant managers in employee reviews


Q. We have an employee who works for two different departments, under two different supervisors. Which supervisor should conduct the review, the one with the most seniority? —D.F., Illinois

Pitch your great ideas by brushing off the naysayers

Issue: Winning over the higher-ups with your ideas is a key component to success.
Risk: “Negative Nellies” in your workplace can kill your best ideas unless you’re prepared to fend …

Prepare for a bigger role in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance

Issue: Sarbanes-Oxley’s focus on HR requires you to do more to help your organization comply.
Benefit: Helping your organization meet SarbOx mandates enhances your role as a strategic partner.