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HR Management

Teach managers to support staff during crunch time


Overworked and underappreciated: That’s a recipe for brisk employee turnover. By teaching supervisors how to support employees during periodic peak times, you’ll improve retention. Have managers use these four simple steps to reach out to stressed-out workers …

Candor: Apply with extreme caution

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying— a bit defensively—“I was just being honest,” rest assured that you’re not the only person to have offended a colleague, customer or staff member with your candor. But effective leaders smooth out the rough edges of their candor, with these techniques.

You can request new certification at the start of each ‘FMLA year’

A new Labor Department opinion letter clarifies that you can require employees to provide new medical certification, not just recertification, for their first FMLA absences in a new “leave year.”

Know how to accommodate employee vision problems

The EEOC just issued new guidelines that explain issues such as:
  • When a vision impairment qualifies as a “disability” under the ADA;
  • What questions you can ask job …

React quickly to disability accommodation requests

Issue: The EEOC is targeting employers who drag their heels on employees’ disability accommodation requests.
Risk: Courts could see your delay tactics as illegal “constructive discharge” of disabled employees…

Budget for higher postal rates in ’06

If you mail HR-related info to applicants and employees, budget higher costs in 2006. The Postal Rate Commission last month approved a 2-cent increase in first-class stamps, pushing them up to …

Request certification at start of each FMLA year

A new Labor Department opinion letter makes clear that you can require employees to provide new medical certification, not just recertification, for their first FMLA absences in a new “FMLA year.” …

More employers are telling sick workers to stay home

The problem of presenteeism, when employees come to work even though they’re sick, is an increasing concern for U.S. employers, according to a new CCH survey. Nearly half (48 percent) of …

Sharpen your recruiting with new matchmaker sites

Issue: Some new job boards this year take their cues from dating sites, trying to match employers with applicants.
Benefit/risk: Such sites can eliminate unqualified applicants, but they’re fishing in …

Obtain OK to share background-Check info with clients


Q. Our company routinely runs background checks on all people to whom we offer positions. Can we legally disclose an employee’s background information to a customer who requests it? (The employee is working on the customer’s job site.) —L.B., North Carolina