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HR Management

Small firms given until 2007 to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to give smaller public companies an extra year (until July 2007) to meet the requirements to file reports about the strength of their internal …

How important are post-interview thank-you notes?

About 15 percent of the 650 hiring managers in a recent CareerBuilder survey said they wouldn’t hire someone who failed to send a thank-you note after an interview. Another 32 percent …

Holiday gifts: Charity is in, ‘bling’ is out for 2005

Wrapping up a year in which natural disasters and ongoing war grabbed the headlines, look for corporate gifts, including those to employees, to focus more on charity and comfort than on …

Do you need a blog policy? Ask yourself 3 questions


Employment policies often must adapt to changes in culture and technology, and the explosion of blogs is one such example. Disgruntled employees often use their blogs to attacks employers, spread gossip about co-workers or even publish suggestive pictures of themselves. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you need a blog policy …

Screen supplemental insurance vendors: Ask right questions

Issue: More employers are offering voluntary supplemental medical insurance, and insurers are offering more products.
Benefit/risk: Such plans can fill gaps left by medical coverage cutbacks, but the strategy can …

Health premium costs still rising, but not as sharply

When it comes to health insurance premiums, the good news is relative.
It’s true that premiums rose less in 2005 than the previous four years. This year’s 9.2 percent average …

Long delay seldom sinks lawsuits; retain records until case is resolved


If you know an employee has filed a complaint with the EEOC or state anti-discrimination agency, don’t trash any relevant records until you receive official notification that the case has been resolved and won’t be appealed …

Correct errors found in ‘Old’ I-9 forms


Q. Soon after I started in a new HR department, I reviewed the files and found that some of the employees’ I-9 forms don’t have dates or signatures, or they’ve been completed using outdated forms. Can I go back to employees and redo the forms, collecting current documentation? Or should I just make sure the right forms are used from now on? —J.M., Ohio

Big changes proposed for ADA accessibility rules

You may need to make new accommodations for disabled customers and employees if proposed regulations win approval. The Access Board, an independent agency …

Beware growing liability risk: harassment by customers

Issue: Courts are cracking down on employers that tolerate customer harassment of foreign-born employees.
Risk: Supervisors sometimes are more lenient with harassment by customers than by employees. That’s a big …