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HR Management

Managers’ actions top list of employee pet peeves


Ringing cell phones can be annoying, but people responding to a new Randstad survey say their biggest workplace frustrations relate to the way that they’re managed. Topping the list: being spoken to in condescending tones …

Workplace abuse trickles down from the top


Supervisors engage in more abuse of their staffers when they believe the overall organization makes unfair decisions, according to a new study in Personnel Psychology

Trim health insurance costs by identifying duplicate coverage


If you’re not doing so already, take steps to discourage employees and dependents from holding duplicate health coverage …

It’s your duty, not just workers,’ to suggest accommodation ideas


When a disabled employee requests accommodation to help him or her perform the job’s essential functions, don’t just knock the ball back into the employee’s court by saying, "What do you want us to do?" It’s up to you to actively help look for solutions …

Small Employers: Introduce the ’15-Employee Threshold’ Defense Early


The federal job anti-discrimination law (Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act) applies to employers with 15 or more employees. So, if you have fewer than 15 workers, you may think you’re automatically immune from such suits. Not so fast, says a new Supreme Court ruling …

Don’t Let Healthy Worker Play the ‘Disabled’ Card; Know Your Rights


You probably know the type: the employee who stirs the pot of discontent whenever possible. And just when you’re about to levy discipline, the person pulls out the "get out of jail free" card and tells you about some imagined disability that needs accommodation …

Get the troops on board

In a recent survey, nearly half the workers responding felt their organization had failed to provide clearly defined goals for their jobs. To help your employees get back into the game, Joanne G. Sujansky offers this advice to create a goal-oriented culture.

Solving the Case of the ‘Stinky Staffer’


Q. We have a “stinky employee” problem. How do I go about telling this person that she has a horrible smell and it’s now affecting some of my other staff? —S.H., Washington

Don’t let applicants use your job offer to earn a raise


Most of your job candidates sincerely want the job. But others may simply try to use your offer as a tool to negotiate a higher salary from their current bosses or other potential employers. Try to determine early on whether job candidates are just using you as a bargaining chip. You can save lots of time by dismissing candidates who were never truly interested …

EEOC action spurs longer recordkeeping


If you think that you can forget about a discrimination dispute just because the employee doesn’t file an EEOC complaint within the allotted time, you may be in for a surprise. As a new court ruling shows, the EEOC can sue your organization years, or even decades, after the alleged discrimination took place …