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HR Management

Case study: Look closely at consultants’ motives


The Texas Insurance Commission filed charges against consulting giant Mercer HR Consulting and its client, the Houston Independent School District, claiming the company had charged the school district $20 million since 2000 and then gave the district more than $800,000 in rebates …

Look deeper into dubious intermittent FMLA leave


Q. If an employee calls off intermittently for migraine headaches, how can we verify the real reason for the leave? Can we ask for information each time the employee is absent? —J.M., Illinois

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Don’t Let Pared-Down Résumés Derail Your Selection Process


Overqualified candidates are becoming more adept at trimming their résumés, which may skew your hiring decisions. The solution: Draw on references and your questioning skills to probe for missing details …


Learn how to spot lying employees


Nineteen percent of people surveyed by CareerBuilder.com say they fib on the job at least once a week. Twenty-six percent say they’ve lied to please a customer. To spot a nontruth, look for nonverbal cues …

Small public firms must comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC says


Here’s some bad news for public companies: The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it won’t exempt smaller public companies from the anti-fraud provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act …

Heed legal limits of video monitoring in the workplace


Monitoring employees with video cameras likely won’t violate employees’ privacy rights, but employers should make sure they don’t step over the line of reasonable privacy concerns. Stay in the legal zone by monitoring only public areas of the workplace, and use soundless recording …

Retention: If you want to keep them, let them go


You’ve probably had great employees quit because they wanted to try their hand at a radically different career. Here’s a way to let employees "test drive" a career and still keep them on staff …

Silence talk of employee health info; loose lips sink HR


You know to keep employees’ health records confidential and locked away. Yet some HR professionals and supervisors aren’t so cautious when it comes to in-house talk of health information. Use the following court case to remind supervisors about the legal dangers of such gossip …

Feds Clarify Handling of ‘No-Match’ Letters, Electronic I-9s


Pay attention to a pair of new regulations released in June that aim to help you comply with the laws relating to checking new hires’ work authorization documents. The first proposed Department of Homeland Security regulation sets forth guidance on how employers should handle so-called "no-match" letters that notify employers of discrepancies with new hires’ Social Security numbers …