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HR Management

Employees going to college? Help with tuition, career path


It’s back-to-school time, and not just for children. Many of your employees—and would-be employees—will enroll in college classes this fall. And while those courses will make employees more competent and promotion-worthy, they’ll also wreak havoc on their schedules, both at work and at home …

Hold firm on raises; salaries to rise 3.5 percent in ’07


Employers report that they’ll be dishing out average pay raises of 3.5 percent for exempt and nonexempt employees in 2007, the same level that they’re currently paying in 2006, according to a new Conference Board survey of 441 companies …

New pension law creates extra duties, questions for HR


Even though some provisions of the new landmark pension law don’t take effect for 16 months, HR professionals need to start educating themselves immediately. The changes amount to the most sweeping reforms of pension law in more than 30 years …

Curb Turnover Using Job-Rotation Plan, Not Job Sharing


You know that employees who feel stalled in their careers are more inclined to quit. But how can organizations keep their workers energized and constantly training for a step up? One solution that’s gaining steam: a new breed of job-rotation program …

To boost productivity, teach money management


At least 15 percent of Americans are so stressed out about money that it affects their work, and about half say they spend more than 20 hours a week dealing with financial matters, says a Virginia Tech study. One solution: Ease employees’ financial pains—and bolster your organization’s retirement plan participation rates—by teaching employees how to better manage their money …

Isolated racist comments won’t always be discrimination


You know the workplace should be free of racially or sexually charged comments and that supervisors most certainly shouldn’t engage in such banter. But you can’t wipe prejudice out of every employee’s mind …

Remind managers: FMLA carries personal liability risk


If your organization’s supervisors tend to ignore all that "HR talk" about FMLA leave, here’s one way to get their attention: Point out that, in addition to suing your organization, employees can sue their bosses (and HR directors!) personally for FMLA-related mistakes …

Lead your organization toward globalization: 6 steps


With more organizations reaching their tentacles into far-flung places, HR is being called to respond. Key indicator: Employers are spending more time searching for talent, specifically people who can and will work and succeed in other countries …

When punishing employees’ use of slurs, equality counts


The mantra in real estate is "location, location, location." But the mantra in employee discipline must always be "consistency, consistency, consistency" …

Texas city provides lesson on background checks


When the Grand Prairie parks department hired Damon Bryan as a maintenance worker, it asked him about his criminal background. Bryan told them he had a conviction for aggravated assault, but he left out the type of assault. He had been convicted of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl …