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HR Management

Put a lid on loud talking in the workplace


Thirty-two percent of people surveyed by Harris Interactive said "people talking loudly at work" is one of their biggest pet peeves …

Your workplace: Is it ready for an emergency?


While 88 percent of smaller businesses agree that it makes sense to have a business-continuity plan, only 39 percent actually have one, according to a new Ad Council survey …

Prepare for even more disclosure of exec compensation


A federal investigation of companies that allegedly backdated employees’ stock options already involves more than 100 companies, and it has prompted the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require more disclosure of executive pay …

Outsourcing training? You’ll still pay for injuries


If you outsource employee training programs that include self-defense or other physically demanding work, be aware that the waivers signed by your employees may mean you will have to pay for any injuries …

Brush up on ADA compliance; state EEOC offers free training


Think your managers and supervisors could use a refresher course on complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act? Contact EEOC Pennsylvania, which offers free seminars at its regional offices …

Manager orientations: How to get new leaders up to speed quickly


How would you rate your orientation process for new managers and executives? Not good, if you’re like most organizations. Poor orientations can cause high-dollar hires to leave or fail to become productive in the critical first months. Improve your orientations by taking the following steps …

Attract and Retain Part-Timers With Dental Discount Plans


It’s obviously easier to recruit and keep good part-time or entry-level employees if you offer some type of health benefit. That’s why more employers are turning to the growing number of low-cost dental discount plans available from big health insurers …

Arkansas ‘Race Across State’ Contest Promotes Exercise


Employees from about three dozen public and private organizations in Arkansas are participating in a virtual race across the state as part of the Arkansas Fitness Challenge created by the state Department of Health and Blue Cross and Blue Shield …

Plastic paychecks save on payroll processing


Four million employees at more than 3,000 companies now collect plastic instead of paper on payday (a debit card look-alike that allows users to withdraw cash at ATMs or pay for goods at retail outlets) …

Survey: Fertility coverage won’t spike employers’ costs


Ninety-one percent of employers that provide coverage for fertility treatment haven’t experienced a related increase in their medical costs, according to a new survey of 900 employers by Mercer Health and Benefits …