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Setting deadlines for employees: 4 do’s and don’ts

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Warn managers: Don’t hire ‘in the heat of the moment’


Inexperienced interviewers sometimes—out of nervousness or not wanting to hurt a candidate’s feelings—make overly positive statements about the candidate’s chances. That false belief can lead to suspicion (and legal trouble) when the person is later rejected …

Head off rising costs: Explore reasons for high claims


You can look forward to smaller increases in health-plan costs for 2007, even though medical and prescription drug-plan costs are still expected to run at more than twice the rate of general inflation, according to the 2007 Segal Health Plan Cost Trend Survey …

Gov. Perry creates Health Care Technology Partnership


Gov. Rick Perry recently issued an executive order creating the Texas Health Care System Integrity Authority, a new public-private partnership that aims for better use of information technology in the health care industry …

Use snail mail, not e-mail, to file unemployment appeal


While it may seem convenient to use e-mail to file appeals of unemployment compensation decisions, be aware of this risk: If the Unemployment Compensation Board of Review doesn’t receive your e-mail, your appeal will be rejected when the 15-day appeal period expires …

Paying employees for healthy lifestyles helps trim premiums


The city of Maple Grove, Minn., found a sure-fire way to convince its employees to adopt healthier lifestyles: It pays them to do it …

If Employees Sue, Double-Check Their Qualifications


When employees sue you for discrimination, be sure to pull out their job applications and résumé for a second look. You may discover that they misrepresented their education or job history, which could sink their case …

Survive a PHRC probe only with precise documentation


Conventional wisdom holds that employers won’t face strict scrutiny if they fire employees who aren’t meeting performance expectations during their probationary period. Conventional wisdom is wrong, at least when it comes to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission …

Maximize commuter perks: Save workers money, stress


Soaring gas prices earlier this year led many employees to seriously consider bailing out of their long commutes and find jobs closer to home. While gas prices have moderated (at least for now), many employees still face long, expensive, time-wasting trips to work. To ease employees’ pain, employers are increasingly turning to creative commuter benefits …

How to prevent employees from abusing PTO leave


A reader of our weekly e-mail newsletter, The HR Specialist Weekly, recently posed this question: "We allow employees to take paid time off (PTO) in hourly increments, but they often use their PTO when running late in the morning or for unexpected ‘appointments.’ How can we get a rein on our PTO leave?" …