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HR Management

Should we require harassment claims be in writing?


Q. Our new plant manager wants me to revise our sexual harassment policy to require that complaints be in writing. He says this will formalize the procedure and help ensure that only valid complaints are filed. I don’t think this is a good idea. Is it?

Docking employee’s pay for missing laptop


Q. An employee who recently quit hasn’t returned a company-owned laptop computer worth over $1,000. Can we withhold the value of the computer from the employee’s last paycheck?

Healthy employees pay lower premiums


When Dan Dauphinee learned that a quarter of health care costs are due to unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, the operations manager made this pitch to the 140 employees of Northeastern Log Homes: Change your behavior, and we’ll cut your insurance premiums by 25 percent …

The new pension reform law: What it means to you


In August, President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which includes many benefits-related amendments to the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) …

How to talk to young employees about retirement planning


Your 20-something employees are more worried about repaying student loans and moving into their first homes than saving for retirement. So convincing them to contribute to a 401(k) is often a tough sell. The solution: Make your pitch relevant to their lifestyles …

Disability harassment costs Wall Street firm half million


Wall Street securities firm LaBranche & Co. agreed to pay former trading assistant Peter Servidio $500,000 to settle his disability harassment lawsuit …

Must you pay workers for time spent learning English?


If you have non-English speaking employees, you may be making efforts to help improve their language skills. But in which cases must you pay employees for that training time? …

Keep workers productive after their two weeks’ notice

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Pennsylvania to offer grants for career advancement


Pennsylvania is one of eight states set to pilot the U.S. Labor Department’s Career Advancement Accounts, which are personal spending accounts that workers can use to pay for post-secondary education and training …

Navigating Pennsylvania’s new minimum wage law


For many Pennsylvania employers, the state’s new minimum wage law taking effect Jan. 1, 2007, is straightforward: It raises the minimum wage they must pay employees to $6.25 per hour from the current federally mandated rate of $5.15. The law, however, has numerous loopholes that you need to know about