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HR Management

How to keep employees productive during flu season


If your office remains infected with sneezing, coughing, aching workers who should be at home in bed during flu season, it could be because they’re afraid to use their sick leave. HR should encourage employees to use their sick leave when sick. It could actually increase productivity in the long term …

Offer at least 15 days to turn in FMLA paperwork

An automotive company granted a welder FMLA leave until Dec. 10. But due to medical complications, she called on Dec. 4 requesting an extension. A company nurse orally approved the extension but asked for certification.

County employees sell back their unused vacation time


Employees of Etowah County, Ala., can sell back one or two weeks of unused vacation time at the end of most years. The decade-old policy allows the buyback when the county has available funds …

Handle application liars consistently: Reject all or none


As an employer, you can’t always wait on a background check before offering a job, so you have to rely on applicants’ oral and written statements to make the offer. But when the background check comes back to reveal that the person lied, you have the absolute right to terminate that individual for dishonesty …

Co-Worker’s flirtation isn’t sexual harassment


Casting admiring glances or making other such flirtatious gestures toward a co-worker isn’t sexual harassment under the Florida Civil Rights Act. That law doesn’t require employers to guarantee that employees won’t ever look at each other in a way perceived as a "come-on" …

Wal-Mart employees protest cut in hours, absenteeism policy


More than 100 Wal-Mart employees in Hialeah Gardens staged a protest over recent changes in the company’s absenteeism policies and scheduling …

Build a Sturdy ‘Escape Hatch’ Into Your Organization’s Discipline Policy


Does your employee handbook outline a progressive discipline process and also include a contract disclaimer? If so, you may think the disclaimer prevents employees from claiming that the discipline policy was a "contract" that can’t be skipped over in favor of instant termination. But you’d be wrong …

Pay travel expenses for new, longer commute?


Q. One of our employees normally reports to a facility. But he’s out on workers’ comp and is doing light duty in the office, which is an extra hour of commuting time. I know we don’t have to pay for his commuting time, but what about his travel expenses? —M.T., Massachusetts

Set firm moonlighting policy; punish violators equally


You have the right to prohibit employees from engaging in other gainful employment while at work. But can you (or should you) ban off-the-clock moonlighting? And when should you discipline employees for moonlighting? …

The danger of fumbling lawsuit paperwork: a case study


When facing a lawsuit, nothing kills your defense faster than ignoring the paperwork that automatically comes with the territory. While many employment lawsuits may be frivolous, make sure you retain counsel …