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Sample Policy: Working Hours

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Work at home or in any city; Sun offers flex-Office options


Sun Microsystems’ iWork program is more than telecommuting: it’s flexible working, says Lynn Williamson, openwork marketing manager for the Menlo Park, Calif.-based systems manufacturer …

Different education standards for young applicants is legal


While employers should typically use the same education and experience requirements for all applicants for the same position, they needn’t do so in every case …

You can demand that staff work overtime, but be consistent


If your organization hits a busy time and needs employees to work long hours, don’t hesitate to require everyone to pitch in. Federal rules allow you to require nonexempt employees to work overtime, so long as you pay them time-and-a-half for hours worked above 40 in a week

Employee’s comment can serve as harassment ‘Notice’


It doesn’t take much for employers to become liable for sexual harassment once someone in authority knows (or should have known) about the probability that harassment will occur. Actual knowledge that harassment has occurred isn’t necessary. In fact, liability can be triggered by something as minor as an employee’s comment that she is “uncomfortable” around a co-worker …

Court gives employees more power in age-Bias cases


When employees file age-discrimination lawsuits, their lawyers may try to bolster the case by seeking out co-workers who have the same complaint …

Moonlighting policy: What’s the best language?


Q. We are a not-for-profit agency working with developmentally disabled clients. Some of our therapists moonlight with private patients. Should we allow this? If not, how would we word a policy statement forbidding it? —B.B., Maryland

Sample Policy: Meal Breaks

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Sample Policy: Absenteeism/tardiness

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Sample Policy: Smoking

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