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HR Management

Have wardrobe-challenged staff? Try on image consultants


If your employees hear “casual” when you say “business casual,” they might benefit from an emerging new perk: the employer-supplied image consultant …

Want to change the FMLA? Here’s your chance


After years of delay and missed deadlines, the U.S. Labor Department appears ready to move ahead with its promised update to FMLA regulations. But before it breaks out the red pen, the agency is seeking input from employers and other interested parties …

Does your Web site discriminate against the disabled?


Until recently, companies that sold products and services over the Web didn’t feel that the ADA applied to them, meaning they weren’t required to make their sites accessible to visually impaired or disabled people. But a lawsuit against Target stores has Web retailers rethinking that assumption

Employee’s ‘Audio Diary’ Spawns Lawsuit Against Pittsburgh TV Station


CBS News sued a former administrative assistant at its KDKA-TV station in Pittsburgh for unlawfully recording phone calls, reading confidential e-mail and gathering private salary information. The company wants her to give the information back, including an “audio diary” she kept of phone calls for six months

Preserve e-mail records; new e-discovery rules kick in


When employees sue your organization, you must turn over any related documents—including old e-mail messages and computer records—during the discovery phase. But be aware that recent changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure place an even greater burden on you to come clean with what information you have

No more hide-and-seek: new duty to retain electronic data


When it comes to evidence presented to win or defend against civil lawsuits, employers no longer can play a game of hide-and-seek. The new game in town is 1-2-3 Show M’e-discovery …

Get organized: 6 ways to zip through e-mail clutter


Some people are deleters and some are hoarders. Either way, you can learn from these e-mail efficiency tips …

Walking competition generates ROI of 10 times the cost


Employees at Amherst, N.Y.-based Ivoclar Vivadent started walking in the spring, and for 20 weeks, they didn’t stop. Thirty teams of four people each used pedometers to count their steps and competed to see who could walk the most. …

Sample Policy: Time Sheets

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Sample Policy: Peformance Reviews

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