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HR Management

‘Gift of time’ benefits: Nice perk, but consider safety, too


To thank employees for working 10-hour days during the busy tax season, RSM McGladrey gives them back some of their time: four hours of it, to be exact …

Become better at tooting your own horn


Create a “brag bag,” a running collection of stories about your work accomplishments and interests …

English-Only Policies

HR Law 101: If you’re thinking of establishing an English-only policy for your workplace, be aware that you risk incurring the wrath of the EEOC. The agency is strongly opposed to English-only rules and will prosecute employers that commit this type of national-origin discrimination…

How to Write Effective and Legal Job Descriptions

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How to Design Smoker Surcharges

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Texas Public Information Act


No specific Texas law allows private-sector employees access to their workplace personnel files, but the Texas Public Information Act does provide that right to public employees …

Pennsylvania Law on Inspection of Employment Records


In Pennsylvania, employers must allow employees (or their designated agents) to inspect their personnel files upon reasonable request. The law applies only to actual employees, not to ex-employees or applicants who want to look at their application files …

New York’s Employee Leave Laws


New York employers must contend with an assortment of leave laws in addition to those required by the federal FMLA and the ADA’s reasonable accommodations requirements for employees with disabilities …

California Fair Employment and Housing Act


Under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), it’s unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based on race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age or sexual orientation …

FMLA: How to Define a ‘Serious’ Health Condition

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