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Employees injured during horseplay at work may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits


Florida employers ordinarily don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for employees who are hurt while engaging in horseplay. But that provision doesn’t provide much protection when workers’ comp judges split hairs over what’s technically off-duty horseplay and what’s just a momentary deviation from job duties

KKK videos and swastikas cause AK Steel Corp. to lose bias suit


AK Steel Corp. will pay $600,000 to seven black employees and an employee’s estate to settle a hostile environment case at its Butler facility …

Skater’s harassment suit puts the Garden on thin ice


Ex-Rangers City skater Courtney Prince has produced a paper trail to support her sexual harassment suit against Madison Square Garden. She introduced memos showing the Garden staff was digging up dirt on her before she filed suit …

HR Certification: Truly Helpful or a ‘Feel Good’ Thing?


The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) offers three national certifications for HR professionals. A reader of our HR Specialist Forum (www.TheHRSpecialist.com) posed this question: “Do these certifications make you more marketable and earn a higher salary, or are they just a ‘feel good’ thing?” …

6 subtle communication gaffes even smart HR pros make


Here are six common communication mistakes that people—especially professional women—make in the workplace, according to communications consultant Colette Carlson

Case study: Give workers the power to reshape their jobs and goals


Most organizations stick to traditional management approaches, largely because they don’t trust employees with control. But studies consistently show that employees who set their own goals work harder to accomplish them and are happier with their jobs. Here are some practical tips for empowering your employees.

Workers’ Comp: Tips on Reducing Costs


HR Law 101: Employers can significantly reduce the cost of their workers’ compensation premiums by following a program of accident prevention, better claims management and prevention of fraud and abuse …

FLSA: Exempt vs. Nonexempt Workers


HR Law 101: When a new hire comes on board, you must determine whether to classify him or her as exempt or nonexempt under the FLSA. The key consideration: Exempt workers aren’t eligible for overtime pay. Rather, they’re paid for the job they do, not the hours they keep …

AIDS Programs


HR Law 101: As AIDS continues to affect all segments of the population, the workplace is feeling the consequences. Employers are now compelled to confront issues related to AIDS, such as employees’ fear of the disease, company policy decisions and benefit programs …

FMLA: Recordkeeping Requirements


HR Law 101: The FMLA’s recordkeeping requirements are less onerous than those of some other federal laws. But you must handle FMLA medical records with the same level of confidentiality as required under the ADA …