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New report offers ideas to provide health coverage to Texas’ uninsured


The Texas Health Institute recently released a report that provides several cost-effective policy solutions for providing insurance to the 5.6 million state residents who don’t carry health insurance …

Release EAP information on a ‘Need to know’ basis


Employee assistance programs (EAPs) can help employees regain an edge lost to problems like alcohol abuse. But it’s a good idea to keep mum about an employee’s participation in the EAP …

Prevent new type of lawsuit: Credit-Check discrimination


If your organization uses credit checks in the hiring process, you’d better have a sound business reason for doing so or you could face a new type of litigation …

‘Hello, Liability?’ The new trend of telephone testing


Why does “testing” bring about that sledgehammer-in-the-stomach feeling? Maybe because, as students, we never knew quite what to expect. Now, the same is true when it comes to a recent trend in employment-law cases: applicants and employees making phone calls to secretly test whether your organization is discriminating

Deciding on promotion? Purge file of prior litigious actions


When it’s time to decide on promotions, do you send employees’ personnel files over to a supervisor or hiring committee to help make the decisions? Make sure the files don’t contain references to past discrimination claims or investigations. Otherwise, you could be inviting a passed-over candidate to sue for retaliation

Good records are key to winning retaliation lawsuits


When it comes to discharging employees, it’s very important to document your decision-making process. Be prepared to show that you followed company disciplinary rules and applied them even-handedly …

Keep references to past litigation out of employees’ personnel files


A group of black and Hispanic police officers have accused the NYPD of harassment for noting in their personnel files that they were complainants in a discrimination suit. The notations could damage their careers, their attorney says …

Hiring interns: The 4 steps to keeping it legal


Courts view interns the same as employees: as “agents” of your organization. So should you. If you use interns or plan to, advise supervisors to manage them as closely as employees, if not more so. And apply your workplace policies to them

When are overweight employees considered ‘Disabled’?


Is obesity a disability? Until recently, the answer has been “Fat chance!” But that may be changing. A recent ADA court ruling opens the door to some types of obesity being defined as disabilities …

Can we require medical tests or treatment?


Q. I’m confused about when we can require physical exams or treatment. We now make employees undergo a fitness-for-duty exam when we think there is a physical or psychological reason that impairs the employee’s ability to perform the job. We also use last-chance agreements requiring medical treatment for an employee to earn reinstatement after a discharge, such as for alcohol or drug abuse. Are we courting trouble? —D.J., Michigan