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Noncompete Agreements


HR Law 101: One of the risks you run when key employees quit is that they could potentially leak valuable information. If you take the precaution of having them sign covenants not to compete and confidentiality covenants when they join your organization, you may be able to limit this risk …

Performance Reviews


HR Law 101: There are two important reasons why you should conduct regular appraisals of your employees’ performance. First, periodic and competent appraisals reduce the opportunity for a discharged employee to claim unfair treatment. The appraisal process alerts employees to what you expect of them, areas in which they’re deficient and how they can improve their performance. Second, appraisals constitute documented proof of unsatisfactory performance that will help you justify employment decisions …

Employee Privacy Issues


HR Law 101: None of your organization’s policies can compromise your employees’ right to privacy. You can’t obtain information about workers that’s not relevant to their job duties, and there are restrictions on what information about employees you’re allowed to disseminate …

Preventing Sexual Harassment: A Business Guide

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Off-Duty Behavior/Moonlighting


HR Law 101: In recent years, employer attempts to regulate what employees may do on their own time have become contentious. Many employers fear that their employees’ off-duty actions, including moonlighting, may reflect badly on them, lower productivity or, even worse, create liability …

Employee Theft


HR Law 101: Employee theft costs U.S. businesses $40 billion every year, according to estimates by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And internal theft contributes to the failure of one in 10 U.S. businesses annually. That’s why it’s imperative for your organization to have a clearly defined anti-theft policy…

Use the right words to silence pay-Related gripes


How do employees at your organization feel about their compensation? If the answer is “Not good,” a bit of explanation from you or their supervisors can calm those troubled waters and help reduce turnover …

Johns Hopkins pays tuition even if worker’s child goes elsewhere


Like employees of most universities, people who work for Johns Hopkins University (JHU) can earn a substantial subsidy to help their own kids enroll as students at the school. But the Baltimore-based university takes that perk a step further: It helps with tuition even if a JHU child decides to attend a different university

Add some investment advice to 401(k) statements


t’s not a good idea for employees to invest too big a proportion of their retirement dollars in a single stock—even if it’s your organization’s stock. And the IRS says you have to point that risk out to employees four times a year on quarterly plan statements

Rethink your career development initiatives


According to a new survey by consulting firm BlessingWhite, 41 percent of executives and managers say their employers’ approach to career development fails to meet their personal needs …