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How long to retain applications and résumés?


Q. How long do we have to keep applications and résumés? — L.P., Kansas

If you handle insurance enrollment, be alert to liability for lost, late paperwork


When employers assume substantial benefit-administration duties, they may be liable when the proper paperwork doesn’t get to where it should. Because federal law imposes a fiduciary obligation on benefit administrators, employers may be sued when they assume the administrator’s role

Keep good records of employee leaves; workers have three years to file FMLA suits


It pays to keep some records longer than you think you’ll need them. For example, any notes, correspondence, medical certifications and other documents related to an employee’s FMLA leave request should be kept a minimum of three years …

Put incentives in writing; don’t let managers blurt them out


Remind supervisors to avoid the temptation of making oral promises that they may not be able to keep, even if that means losing an employee who has another job offer. …

Personality Conflict With the Boss Isn’t a ‘Disability’


Employees who claim an ADA-protected disability will have to cite more than a simple personality clash with their boss. Such conflicts won’t win an ADA lawsuit even if working with a particular supervisor makes the employee anxious, depressed and angry …

Establish rules on internal promotions to avoid lawsuits


When it comes to internal promotions, you’re on the safest legal ground if you set clear procedures. That way, employees who don’t land coveted promotions can’t claim the reason was discrimination …

Make sure your arbitration agreement is valid in Ohio


Arbitrating employment disputes in lieu of going to federal court can save your organization time and money if the agreement sticks. But just one mistake in drafting and implementing the agreement could end up costing you more, not less …

Lessons From Strip-Search Case: Train Managers on ‘Dignity’


When managers suspect theft, it’s easy for tempers to rise. But don’t allow the incident to erupt into an ugly confrontation and public humiliation of employees …

Understanding religious accommodations in Ohio workplaces


Ohio mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request “prayer breaks.” Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents challenges in the workplace

Stray From Progressive-Discipline Policy at Your Own Risk


If you have a progressive-discipline policy in your employee handbook, it’s legally wise to follow it carefully with all employees. If you deviate from it and fire a worker quickly, be prepared to provide a good reason …