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HR Management

Cell phone policies: Don’t have one? Dial one up today


The best defense to a cell-phone liability claim is a comprehensive electronic communications devices policy …

Quest lawsuit shows how to plan for ‘Turncoat’ employee


Lyndhurst-based Quest Diagnostics, the largest U.S. provider of diagnostic tests and services, has sued a former employee for allegedly taking confidential client information to benefit its arch rival …

Benchmark organization’s health benefits using new online database


The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, has introduced a database of average annual health care costs for workers and employers in major U.S. cities …

Gain Support for HR Initiatives With Split-Sample Testing


Say you want to implement a new training program for sales reps. But every time you propose a new HR initiative like this, executives question whether it can work or say the company can’t afford it. Next time, take a different approach …

Boosting productivity makes you a true strategic player


Execs in your organization constantly look for ways to reduce labor costs and improve work force productivity to keep up with competition. Most likely, those bosses don’t ask your advice … and you don’t give it. To start playing a role in improving productivity, take the following steps

Obtain approval to give out employees’ info


Q. I’ve just joined a new company, and our HR people give out employees’ information (wage data, demographic info, etc.) to anyone who calls to request it. Is that right? —P.L., Virginia

Don’t tell employee’s new boss about his prior complaints


If an employee is suffering from performance problems and wants a transfer to another supervisor or position, be careful which details in the person’s history you share with the new manager. That’s especially true if the employee has a history of filing legal complaints …

Preserve records or face jury’s wrath on overtime pay


If you get wind of a possible lawsuit over unpaid overtime, make sure all your payroll records remain intact and available. Don’t crank up the shredder. If you dispose of related documents, the penalties under Ohio law can be especially harsh

Michigan Employers Must Post Job-Related Injuries by April 30


The Michigan Department of Labor is reminding employers that they must post employees’ job-related injuries and illnesses from 2006 …

Failing to track FMLA leave requests erases your right to challenge time off


It’s crucial to keep meticulous FMLA records, from requests to approvals to return-to-work discussions. If you fail to create a solid paper trail, courts will resolve any questions in the employee’s favor …