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HR Management

Wear two hats in evaluating harassment complaint


If your HR job includes evaluating claims of sexual harassment and hostile environment, it’s a good idea to approach investigations from two separate but related angles …

Giving and receiving feedback: 8 important do’s & don’ts


For some bosses, “Good work” or “That stunk” is all the feedback they offer employees in a day. But the employees crave a whole lot more …

Benchmark your health benefits with other Michigan employers


Wondering how your health care benefits measure up against those of other Michigan employers? Find out by participating in McGraw Wentworth’s 2007 Mid-Market Group Benefits Survey

New rules affect how you store and preserve electronic records


New federal court rules for electronic-records maintenance and discovery took effect on Dec. 1, 2006. The rules govern discovery of electronically stored information in federal civil litigation …

Alert low-Income workers to overlooked tax credits


Some of your organization’s employees may be eligible for a larger tax refund without knowing it. You can do them a huge favor (and earn some good will) by introducing them to those tax savings …

Punishing a worker for personal blog post


Q. One of my staff showed me an Internet link to another employee’s personal blog, which included racial and offensive comments about our company and employees. Can we reprimand the employee for the racial slurs?

Let cops search computers; don’t fear a privacy lawsuit


With all the talk about workplace privacy, remember that your organization, not the employee, owns the computers and the data in them. You needn’t fear a privacy lawsuit if you give permission for law enforcement to read e-mail, search hard drives or access phone numbers on company-owned cell phones

Compare health care premiums by region on new federal database


Ever wonder how your health care costs stack up against those of employers in other parts of the country? You can find out by accessing the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s database

N.Y. law firm learns lesson about legal blogging


It’s probably career suicide for lawyers to sue their own firms, but that’s what Aaron Charney did. And now all of cyberspace knows about it …

Can porn surfing be a ‘disability’? Lessons from the IBM case


When employees use their work computers for inappropriate purposes, such as scouring the Internet for pornography, interacting with minors for sexual purposes or transmitting pornographic images, they violate the law and put their employers at risk …