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HR Management

Big Three Throw Their Weight Behind Value-Driven Health Care


Executives from Michigan’s Big Three automakers met with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Secretary Michael Leavitt in late January to sign HHS’s Value-Driven Health Care Initiative …

Avoid these 5 telecommuting liability pitfalls

As telework’s popularity grows, so do legal concerns for employers. To lower your risks, devise a telecommuting policy that protects you on these fronts.

Pension law makes it OK to help employees choose investments


No matter how highly educated your employees are, they’re probably not professional investment experts. Yet it’s likely your organization has shifted responsibility for retirement savings to those employees. But now the Pension Protection Act of 2006 makes it safe for employers to arrange for employees to receive personalized, specific advice on investments

Paid-Volunteer program unearths passions in employees


The community relations department at Texas-based National Instruments organizes volunteer opportunities for the company’s 2,200 U.S. employees and has 40 staffers engaging workers in volunteer efforts. But that’s just the beginning. …

Weight Watchers program helps Medicaid patients drop pounds


When West Virginia ranked third in the nation in obese and overweight residents, it turned some heads in California. Reason: While Unicare, a division of Wellpoint, is located in California, it provides Medicaid coverage to 75,000 people in West Virginia

Exempt status in question? ‘Good-Faith’ reply saves the day


If an employee comes forward to protest that you owe him overtime pay because he should truly be a nonexempt worker, it pays to act fast and be able to show good cause why you classified him as exempt in the first place …

OSHA issues new mandatory safety poster


If your organization’s OSHA safety poster is showing its years, now’s a good time to order a new one: OSHA just released a new version of the It’s the Law poster …

Rise in ‘Unhappy’ workers heightens lawsuit risks


Fewer than half of Americans say they’re satisfied with their jobs, a dramatic drop from 20 years ago when 61 percent said they were satisfied, according to surveys by The Conference Board …

Opted out of workers’ comp system? Be careful of verbal authorizations


If your organization has opted not to participate in the Texas workers’ compensation system, but you still authorize treatment for work-related injuries, make sure you track how and when you give employees permission to seek treatment …

Employee or supervisor? Classification affects union eligibility


One of the toughest tasks for HR is to decide which employees are supervisors. Employers need to know this because supervisors are excluded from a collective bargaining unit for union organizing and voting purposes …