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HR Management

No hire/Fire responsibility? No matter. Employee can sue you personally for job bias


Watch out! If you are involved—even in a small way—in any activity that leads to a discrimination claim, you may be personally liable …

Want a script that will land you in court every time?


Try this one: A New York City school psychologist who suffered from asthma and migraines approached an incoming principal about continuing his accommodations, which included an air-conditioned office. The principal allegedly replied, “If you require an accommodation, you should get yourself a job that doesn’t require an accommodation”

Loose-Lips Alert: Train managers and supervisors that press comments carry weight


If you don’t have a public relations department to handle press inquiries, make sure you train managers and supervisors on how not to talk to the press …

Warn managers not to advise employees on litigation


Too many managers and supervisors offer unsolicited advice to employees who’ve filed discrimination complaints. The suggestions usually include being more of a “team player” and “not rocking the boat.” Tell managers such “helpful” career tips can backfire badly

Pay back for training costs


Q. Training in our field is pretty specialized and expensive. We don’t mind investing in our employees, but want to make sure that we get the benefit of the training. We have a requirement that newly trained employees must continue to work for us for at least six months following their training, or they are required to pay back the company. Our problem is how to make sure they pay it. Can we deduct it from their last paycheck?—D.B.

Audit your books and check your vendors to avoid fraud


Dale and Christina Roberts, husband and wife, stole $386,000 from their employer, CheckFree Corporation, a Norcross electronic financial-services provider …

Bogus company prompts question: Are you sure you’re insured?


The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has ensured payment of roughly $1 million in health claims that were never covered by insurance. The department broke up an insurance scheme by Nassau Employment Benefits Trust

Personal liability for HR professionals?


Q. I know that my company can be sued by my current and former employees for its employment actions. Do I, as an HR professional, have personal liability for my participation in employment decisions?

Choosing Employees for Promotion: A 6-Step Legal Process

You’re probably relying more heavily on internal promotions than in the past. And as internal candidates compete more and more for coveted “inside” jobs, expect a corresponding rise in the number of failure-to-promote lawsuits when expected promotions don’t materialize. These six steps will help keep you out of court.

Terminations: 5 Tips for Avoiding Lawsuits

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