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HR Management

Workers’ Comp: Ohio’s Top Court Says ‘Tough Luck’ to Safety Slackers


The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that employees who fail to follow safety instructions abandon their jobs in doing so and are not covered by workers’ compensation. While this may save employers some workers’ comp dollars in the short-term, it complicates the future of workers’ comp as the exclusive remedy for injured workers

Prepare to justify policy barring former criminals


Does your organization have a blanket policy of refusing to hire applicants with criminal records? If so, make sure you can explain exactly why. Because minority applicants may be statistically more likely to have criminal records, requiring a clean criminal-record history may have a disparate impact on a protected class and violate Title VII

When and how you can use ‘English-Only’ rules in the workplace


Philadelphia landmark Geno’s Steaks made headlines when it posted a sign that reads, “This is America. When ordering, please speak English” … Although the Geno’s case deals with an attempt to apply an “English-only” rule to customers, it highlights a growing issue in U.S. workplaces …

Revising crisis plan? Consider disabled workers’ needs


In light of April’s shootings at Virginia Tech, organizations are taking a fresh look at their evacuation and emergency notification procedures. When you review yours, resist the well-intentioned temptation to lessen risk by shunting aside disabled employees

New law, pending bill extend workers’ rights to use deadly force


Gov. Rick Perry recently signed new legislation that extends an individual’s right to use force without retreat in the face of a criminal attack. Until now, a 1995 exception to a 1973 statute required persons to retreat except when an intruder unlawfully entered their home. Senate Bill 378, however, extends the right to persons in their vehicles and workplaces as well

Can we make smokers pay higher premiums?


Q. I have to admit I am not a fan of smokers, but what really concerns me is the cost they are adding to our benefits programs. I don’t think it is fair to the nonsmokers that their costs should keep going up year after year when it’s likely smokers are fueling a part of that cost. Can I make smokers pay more in premiums?—S.S.

Set clear rules on office romance


Have a no-dating policy at your workplace? If the answer is “no,” it may be time to consider one. While some office romances may seem innocent enough, trouble can follow an ugly breakup between co-workers. That’s why it pays to have clear rules in place …

Tie HR to business strategy with right mission statement


HR often writes vague and uninspiring mission statements that exclude business goals. Take the following steps to create a mission statement that lays out HR’s practical vision for contributing to the company’s strategic plans

On-Site Clinics Make a Comeback. Are They Right for You?


On-site clinics are less common than they were a few decades ago, when the company doctor was as much a fixture as the school nurse. But the high cost of health care—and the trend toward focusing on prevention and wellness as ways to lower those costs—is bringing them back into vogue …

Lame excuses for rejecting candidates can land you in court


Say the wrong thing during the hiring process, and you’ve got a lawsuit on your hands. Here are three tips to help keep supervisors’ feet out of their mouths