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HR Management

Ban smoking or ban smokers? How far can you legally go?


Thirty states and the District of Columbia have established “lifestyle discrimination” laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against employees or applicants based on the person’s off-duty use of tobacco or participation in other legal though controversial activities …

How to craft noncompete agreements that work under Georgia law


Georgia’s constitution prohibits contracts that have the effect of defeating or lessening competition. Anti-competition is considered anti-public policy in Georgia, so employers should craft their noncompete agreements with care …

After employee files a complaint, follow up to check for retaliation


Employees who come to HR with discrimination complaints may already have talked to a lawyer. They may be building a case and just waiting for someone to make a mistake. It’s your job to make sure that doesn’t happen

Workers’ comp: Be prepared to prove that an at-Work death wasn’t work-Related


If an employee dies in your workplace, take note: Under New York’s Workers’ Compensation Law, any death that occurs at work is presumed to be related to work …

Extract First-Rate Ideas From Employees


“Why does our company do that?” You know employees ask that question (in their heads) a dozen times a day …

Umbrella policy covers only listed underlying policies


The Michigan Court of Appeals recently affirmed that an umbrella policy does not cover primary insurance policies unless those policies are specifically listed in the schedule of underlying insurance …

Religious accommodations in Florida workplaces: 5 steps to take


Florida mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes, and some employees request prayer breaks. Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents workplace challenges. Religious discrimination claims filed with the EEOC more than doubled in the past year

Morgan Stanley wins in whistle-Blower firing case


Morgan Stanley won the latest round in its high-profile battle with IT employee Arthur Riel, who was fired for sharing e-mails that revealed questionable management practices at the firm …

Are you as organized as Bill Gates? 5 tools that can help


HR professionals can quickly become buried under paperwork and ‘to-do” lists if they’re not organized. Technology can help you organize your hectic schedule and tasks … if you know how to use it. Take a cue from Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who uses digital tools to get things done

How to Tame Your Wild, Woolly E-Mail Inbox


Poorly managed e-mail can slow you down, hurt your productivity and damage your work reputation. A few simple tricks can help you regain command over your out-of-control inbox …