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HR Management

Cigna fined for steering employers wrong on HMO changes


The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance has fined Cigna HealthCare of New Jersey and Connecticut General Life $2.1 million for deceiving employers, and ordered Cigna to restore better coverage to 2,123 small businesses

Big ruling: Supreme Court limits scope of pay-discrimination lawsuits


The U.S. Supreme Court handed employers a major victory this week by clarifying that workers who claim pay discrimination must file their complaints within 180 days of the alleged offense. But this ruling could, in the short run, lead to a spike in pay-bias claims.

Remind employees: As Coke verdict shows, stealing secrets can earn jail time


The recent sentencing of a Coca-Cola employee who tried to steal (and sell) the secret formula serves as a cautionary tale for your employees about the confidentiality of trade secrets. Here’s a five-step strategy for shoring up your trade-secret walls and making sure confidential info stays in-house.

Onboarding: 15 questions to ask employees in their first 60 days

With the economy on the rise, employees are finding it easier to leave jobs in which they’re not completely comfortable. That’s putting more pressure on HR and managers to improve the onboarding process for new hires.

HR groups troubled by immigration reform bill


The immigration reforms being debated in the U.S. Senate could burden employers and HR professionals with an unwieldy and complex worker-verification system, say HR advocacy groups. Here are their specific concerns, plus how the legislation could affect you …

Is it time to ban BlackBerrys from company meetings?


A new survey shows that employees are becoming increasingly comfortable checking their e-mails in the middle of meetings. But do those numbers make the practice OK, and does your organization need to lay down the law on when and how mobile devices can be used? If your organization is going to allow employees to use mobile devices during meetings, pass along these tips …

Reduce Turnover by Showing Applicants ‘A Day in the Life’


In their zeal to attract good candidates, HR people and hiring managers often show job candidates only a shiny, happy picture of the organization. That’s not smart …

Screening candidates: To Google or not to Google?


More HR professionals are turning to search engines and social networking sites to dig beyond a candidate’s résumé. But the benefit of uncovering such red flags can carry some big legal risks. Here’s how to Google for candidates in the most legally safe way …

FMLA in a Nutshell: How to Comply With the Family and Medical Leave Act

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2009 ______________________ The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which became law in 1993, provides qualified employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child, for caring for a spouse or an immediate family member with a […]

Extend your grief benefits beyond simple bereavement leave


Your organization probably allows grieving employees to take a few paid days off when a family member dies. But employees who lose loved ones are unlikely to return to normal in just a few days.