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HR Management

Few women on staff? Watch for hostile-Environment claims


Employers could violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) even if they don’t intend to discriminate …

Accommodation doesn’t need to match employee’s request


Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on their religion and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for religious practices. But the requirement isn’t absolute …

Prompt action by management is key to winning hostile-Environment lawsuits


The Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act makes it illegal to subject employees to a racially hostile work environment. But not every hostile act does a lawsuit make. Much depends on management’s response to such hostility …

Melee in Medway: The Rough-and-Tumble World of Buckeye Banking


Security National Bank & Trust (SNB) is responsible for a manager who literally kicked a customer out of the Medway branch office, the Ohio Court of Appeals has ruled …

Intense training cuts turnover among hourly staff


At Zeppe’s Pizzeria in Bedford Heights, Ohio, managers focus on experiential training, and lots of it. Franchisees receive a six-week course, but even hourly delivery drivers have up to four days’ training …

Diversity effort includes training next leaders


Efforts to increase diversity and retention form the basis of two programs at New York-based Deloitte & Touche. The Breakthrough Leadership Program identifies about 25 of the company’s top minority professionals who exhibit leadership qualities …

HR certification: Is it worth it? If so, which one should you pursue?


Various organizations offer an alphabet soup of certifications. But is certification even necessary for your career path? If it is, which certification is right for you? Here’s a breakdown of your certification options. Do your homework: The most common certifications may not be your best career choice…

HR dept. of one? Groom yourself to move to a big firm


If you’re the do-it-all leader of a one-person HR department, you’ve become the consummate HR generalist. But now you want to direct your career path toward a larger organization …

HR certification: Worth it? If so, which one to pursue?


You may not need a license to practice HR or benefits administration, but earning an HR certification tells your employer (and potential employers) that you know your stuff …

Random wisdom from this week’s SHRM conference


HR Specialist editors joined more than 15,000 HR professionals in Las Vegas for the 2007 Society for Human Resource Management conference — the largest annual gathering of HR pros in America. Following are some nuggets of advice collected during the conference …