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HR Management

Court: Constitution protects religious bulletin board messages


A federal government agency’s policy barring “items of religious preference” from agency bulletin boards is unconstitutional, the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio ruled …

Training on personal protective equipment boosts workplace safety


Employers and employees know that wearing the proper protective equipment can prevent workplace accidents. But too often employees fail to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), sometimes with disastrous consequences …

Don’t wait for emergency to make flexibility routine


If you think your work/life effort is complete so long as your organization helps its employees with child care, elder care and flexible work hours, it might be time to update your definitions. Work/life programs bring value not only to employees but also to organizations. If you’ve got a good one, chances are you’ll see benefits the next time your company faces an emergency …

Creative benefits help employees with cancer stay on the job


Employees living with cancer increasingly are staying on the job, thanks to benefits like flexibility and intermittent, short-term disability insurance …

Suspect employees of theft? Questions are OK, but detaining risks ‘False imprisonment’ claim


A high percentage of workplace theft is the work of insiders. That’s one reason you may want to question employees when money or goods disappear. But don’t act like the police …

‘One-Man death squad’ headed Palisades nuclear plant security


Officials are investigating a possible security breach at the Palisades nuclear power plant after Esquire magazine ran a profile of the plant’s head of security. Turns out, William Clark bragged about being a hit man …

AARP finds Georgia’s work force is getting grayer


Jobs will grow in Georgia over the next two decades, according to a recent report from the AARP, but filling them will be a challenge …

Adopt ‘Green-Collar’ mentality to attract eco-Aware staff


Don’t keep it a secret if your organization does good for the community and the environment. Let employees and job applicants know about your corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts …

Save on tuition aid by managing colleges like vendors


Most midsize and large employers run their run tuition-assistance benefits more like entitlement programs than strategic investments. They don’t hold schools accountable …

When do employers have to pay employees for training time?


Q. Occasionally, we offer in-house training and development programs for our employees. These programs are strictly voluntary and are not conducted during normal working hours. Our company has never paid employees for the time spent attending such training. Is this legal?