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HR Management

Half of companies ignore their survey results


Almost half of organizations that survey their employees ignore the feedback, says the latest study from Opinion Research Corp. Advice: If you’re not going to act on the findings, don’t conduct the survey …

After cleaning out his desk, he cleaned out their data, too


A disgruntled former IT worker for Pentastar Aviation in Waterford hacked into the company’s systems and deleted sensitive employee data, causing $34,000 in damages. He’s now facing criminal charges …

‘Death audits’ and 6 other ways to avoid benefit errors

Whether you work with a benefits team of one or 100, chances are you don’t have time to check every calculation you make. Yet simple mistakes can cost an organization millions of dollars in benefits overpayments.

Track discipline companywide to show no double standard


One of the most common employment law claims is the uneven enforcement of workplace rules. The only foolproof way to counter such lawsuits …

Lucent wrote the book on tech security, but forgot to read it


A disk containing the names, addresses, Social Security numbers, salaries and other personal information for all Lucent employees in the United States went missing in Somerset County between April 5 and May 3 …

How not to institute an arbitration clause


In light of recent California appellate court decisions addressing the enforceability of arbitration agreements, many employers may consider having employees sign one of these contracts. First, consider the following case …

Employees miss meal or rest period? Then you owe extra hour’s pay


Employees who are entitled to a meal period or a rest period under the California Labor Code and who miss out on those benefits now have up to three years (four in some cases) to claim the additional pay the law says they’re entitled to …

Employees can sue directly for unpaid break and lunch bonus


Employers have another new worry concerning wages owed to employees who don’t get their full and uninterrupted lunch or break time …

Arbitration covers claims for unpaid bonus and severance


The California Court of Appeal recently ruled that binding arbitration mandated by an arbitration agreement could determine a former employee’s wage claims for an unpaid profit-sharing bonus and severance pay …

Vague claims of illness not enough to trigger liability


Employees should notify their employers before taking FMLA leave—30 days ahead if possible. In cases of emergencies or sudden illnesses, employees must let their employers know as soon as is practical. But that doesn’t mean calling in sick or providing a vague doctor’s note is enough …