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HR Management

Beware any change in working conditions after complaint


When an employee claims discrimination, HR should make sure that employee isn’t retaliated against. But retaliation is more than lost promotions, discharge or demotions. Retaliation can be any employer-initiated action that would deter a reasonable person from complaining. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to let supervisors and managers know they shouldn’t change anything about the employee’s working conditions without HR approval …

Back seat of the car makes a poor backup plan


It’s still the safest place for small children in a car, but the back seat may not be the best place to stow your company’s backup data …

Fire before you hire: Put more burden on job-seekers


Hiring managers spend too much time interviewing candidates—and asking them the wrong questions. Then they’re often surprised to have to fire those same candidates a few months later after discovering that good interview skills don’t necessarily signal a great job fit. The problem: Employers often hire for hard skills but fire for soft skills, says Karl Ahlrichs of Hiring Smart, an Indiana firm specializing in employee selection. Instead, says Ahlrichs, “Our new slogan should be, ‘Fire them before we hire them.’” …

Supercharge your computer: 4 tricks of the trade


Even the fastest computer could profit from a few tricks that make everyday tasks easier or faster. Here are four free tools that HR professionals can benefit from …

Sen. Boscola plagued by blogging chief of staff


How far can employees go when firing off comments on the web on their own time? What if the employee is a public servant? For Bernie Kieklak, chief of staff for state Sen. Lisa Boscola, the answer is pretty far …

Want the job? Giving your Social Security number is mandatory


No doubt you’ve read recent accounts about the prevalence of identity theft and the use of Social Security numbers to obtain fraudulent credit cards and other documents. But the rise in such crimes does not excuse employees from giving their Social Security numbers to employers …

Immigration: Know Your ‘Border Guard’ Responsibilities


Immigration reform was a hot topic in Washington during the first half of 2007, but Congress ultimately failed to pass legislation to tighten enforcement of decades-old laws that regulate which foreign-born workers are eligible to work in the United States. Fairly or not, look for employers and the HR functions to bear much of the enforcement responsibilities. Your best bet: Make sure you document employees’ eligibility to work by thoroughly completing and maintaining up-to-date I-9 forms …

Roadside smokers prompt Honda to reconsider property-Wide ban


To comply with the state smoking ban, Honda Motor Co. made its Marysville plant and surrounding property smoke-free on Feb. 8. By Feb. 9, visitors and employees began driving off the property to smoke …

Florida passes domestic-Abuse law granting victims time off

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Underage teen sues McDonald’s franchise over sex with boss


A teenage girl who worked in a Coral Springs McDonald’s is suing the franchise holder after her store manager, Hector Figueroa, carried on a sexual relationship with her for nearly a year …