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HR Management

Making light of complaints adds dollars to damages


If an employee says he or she is being sexually harassed, it’s management’s job to take the complaint seriously. Those who don’t may have to pay dearly—because a jury may order that the victim receive punitive damages, too. The quickest way to earn those punitive damages is to make light of complaints. As the following case shows, that can mean an extra payment of three times the actual damages—or even more …

Strippers at golf fundraiser land Dem Party boss in the rough


Lucas County Democratic Party Chairman John Irish is in hot water after holding a golf fundraiser that featured female strippers. Employees of Scarlett’s Cabaret in Toledo and Club Diamonds in Oregon staffed the drink carts, and at least one woman raised her top and dropped her shorts for a group of golfers …

Employee swaps RVs for jail cell after embezzlement scheme


An office manager of Campers Choice Inc., an RV dealer in Swanton Township, received 17 months in prison for stealing almost $100,000 over a four-year period, steadily ruining the company’s finances. The manager fraudulently collected $80,000 in cash and checks written to herself and padded her hours for another $16,000 …

Free meals bring employees to the table


Employees of Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta don’t nosh on the organization’s famous breaded chicken breast sandwiches at lunchtime. They don’t “brown-bag” it either. To encourage employee bonding, the organization treats employees each day to entrées, such as pork loin with asparagus and crusted chicken breast with cauliflower …

How to draft a legal drug testing policy


Q. I recently read a report that said drug use among employees actually went up in the past decade. We’re considering starting to do drug tests. What should our policy say? —L.U. …

Celeb French chef Boulud cooks up discrimination daube


Ingredients: The Manhattan restaurant scene’s need for beautiful faces out front; an immigrant back-of-the-house work force; one superstar chef. Mix well and stand back. The dish: A discrimination stew too good for the EEOC to resist …

Pants suit doesn’t look too becoming on MTA


A Pentecostal bus driver fired by the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) for refusing to wear pants because it violated her religious beliefs has sued and is receiving legal aid from an Orthodox Jewish organization. Agudath Israel of America came to her aid because Orthodox Jewish women, like Pentecostals, can wear only skirts …

Quitting without notice, but getting vacation pay?


Q. Recently, one of my employees quit without giving notice. I was advised that under New York labor law, I have to pay all earned and unused vacation. Is this true? If so, what can I do to prevent this from happening in the future? …

Shorter vacation for part-Time employee?


Q. Under New York law, must an employee who works part of the year be paid a prorated vacation? …

Court to decide if changing leave policy violates USERRA


With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan showing no signs of abating, more and more employees in the National Guard and Reserve have to spend time away from the workplace. For employers, managing a work force with more than one service member on staff has become something of a logistical nightmare. And some employers are backing away from previously generous efforts to help service members balance military commitments and work …