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HR Management

Harassment victim doesn’t have to complain right away


Under Title VII’s sexual harassment provisions, employers have few defenses if supervisors harass subordinates to the point that there’s a hostile work environment. But if the employer has an effective and well-designed complaint process that promises relief, it can reduce its liability—usually even if the harassed employee doesn’t take advantage of that process …

Class action may be price for policies that invite off-the-Clock work


Does your organization have top-down policies that tacitly create incentives for hourly employees to work extra hours without pay? If so, you may be risking a class-action wage-and-hour lawsuit. That’s what happened to one large employer when a disgruntled hourly employee claimed the company practically forced him to work extra hours in order to keep his job …

Preparing for work: Pay depends on rules, employer benefit


Do your employees have to put on special uniforms or equipment before beginning work? If the law or your company policy requires it, chances are the time spent getting in and out of the clothing or equipment should be paid time …

Workplace violence: Keep staff safe the legally smart way


Employers are legally obligated to maintain a safe work environment. When employees commit violent acts against co-workers or customers, employers can be held responsible through negligent-hiring and supervision lawsuits. Each year, roughly 1,000 people are workplace homicide victims. And research shows that killings are five to seven times more likely to occur at workplaces where guns are allowed …

Investigating suspected employee theft


Q. I think one of our employees is stealing. What are the proper steps to take to handle this situation? …

Analyze EAP caller data to learn about employee concerns


You might be surprised to learn that men call employee assistance programs (EAP) because of relationship troubles more often than women, and only 7% more men than women ask for help with substance abuse. It’s still true that women use the services of EAP counselors about three times as often as men. But what men and women call about is changing …

Solo HR pros: Seek a mentor to advance your career


You’re the entire HR department and barely have time to keep up with basic daily duties. There’s precious little time to think strategically, develop new initiatives and stay current on HR trends. Plus, you feel professionally isolated because you spend so little time talking to other HR professionals. Here’s one way to come out of the HR wilderness: Find an HR mentor who will offer advice in areas where you need the most help …

South Bend contractor hit with max fine for fall-Protection error


OSHA inspectors slapped steel contractor National Store Fixtures Division of United Fixtures in South Bend with a $79,500 fine for failing to protect workers at a construction site last year. Following a tip, OSHA conducted a site inspection and found employees working more than 15 feet off the ground without fall protection while installing steel walls …

Remind supervisors: No temper tantrums allowed


One of the quickest ways to turn an annoying—but perhaps unfounded—discrimination complaint into a winning lawsuit is to react inappropriately. That’s why it’s critically important for HR professionals to remind managers and supervisors: Don’t comment on pending complaints! Plus, remind them that venting in front of employees can backfire …

Act fast on FMLA leave requests—Delay triggers a violation


If you don’t train supervisors to immediately forward all FMLA requests to the HR office, you may find your organization on the losing end of an FMLA-interference lawsuit. An important new court ruling shows it doesn’t matter whether the employee’s FMLA leave request eventually is approved …