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HR Management

OMG! TWD is nothing to LOL about: Set policy to ease ‘Texting-While-Driving’ risks


People who send text messages while driving are three times more likely to crash than other drivers, and distracted driving accounts for 80% of all accidents. You need a policy that prohibits employees from texting while driving on company business. Here’s why it’s important and how to craft your policy.

EEOC Eyes the New Breed of Wellness Programs


With health insurance premiums outpacing inflation for what feels like the hundredth year in a row, employers are looking for innovative ways to cut costs. Many are taking a fresh look at wellness programs. So is the EEOC.

Making spirits bright: 10 holiday perks to ease employee stress


The holiday season can be an exceptionally stressful and busy time for your employees. And of course, frazzled, frantic and depressed doesn’t equal high productivity. Try these timesaving, stress-relieving perks to ease employees’ minds and their calendars—and improve retention.

Leap-Year compensation: cutting the check


Q. I am new to HR and our payroll department just told me they’re lowering salaried employees’ pay next year to offset the additional pay period caused by the leap year. They said salaried employees are paid based on a yearly amount, and we normally have 26 pay periods but we will have 27 in 2008. My initial thought is, “This is not going to go over well.” — J.S., Pennsylvania …

What are the rules on access to personnel files for employees outside Texas?

Q. If a Texas-based company has divisions in several other states, does the Texas law allowing employers to deny employees a look at their personnel files still apply?

Stolen disc costs two jobs, plus a week of vacation


An Ohio Office of Management and Budget intern was fired, and a manager has resigned after someone broke into the intern’s car and stole a computer disc containing sensitive state payroll and accounting information …

E-mails and messages may come back to haunt managers


Increasingly, courts hearing discrimination cases order employers to turn over e-mails and text messages. These communications may include correspondence employees may have sent or received from clients and customers. One reason is that federal court rules on electronic discovery now require employers to retain vast amounts of information for use in litigation …

An e-mail from the EEOC? Don’t be so sure; Agency warns of phony ‘Trojan horse’ virus


Corporate HR offices across the country began receiving e-mails last month that appeared to be from the EEOC but were actually bogus—and potentially dangerous …

Going paperless: Can personnel records be electronic?


Q. We’re drowning in paper and would like to go paperless. Can we create strictly electronic personnel and payroll records? — T.P., Indiana …

One more reason to be skeptical of ‘Doctor’s notes’


A growing list of web sites—such as FakeDoctorsNotes.com, MyExcusedAbsence.com and PhoneyExcuses.com—sell customizable templates of doctor’s notes, jury duty notices and even funeral announcements. The Associated Press recently highlighted one of the sites in an article that, no doubt, was forwarded to millions of otherwise unaware employees …