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HR Management

Despite lawsuit fears, should we provide anti-Harassment training?


Q. Our company is considering providing anti-harassment training to all employees. Some executives are concerned that the training might actually stir up lawsuits. Do you recommend such training? …

The HR I.Q. Test: February ’08


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz.

Carrot or stick? Motivating managers to finish reviews


HR can waste lots of time and energy hounding supervisors to complete their performance reviews. Choose the best mix of incentives and penalties to inspire managers to do reviews right and on time …

The 7 Most Dangerous Errors in Employee Handbooks


An employee handbook can be the foundation of employee performance and a shield against lawsuits—or it can be a ticking time bomb that confuses employees and strips away your legal defenses. It all depends on how well it’s written and put to use.

How to Help Managers Deliver the ‘No Raise’ News to Employees


The most difficult part of a system that withholds merit increases from poor performers is giving the bad news to the employee who hasn’t earned a raise. That can be a scary prospect for managers who don’t like delivering bad news.  That’s where you step in: Help them prepare, so that they don’t cave in to the pressure …

Ready, fire, aim: Grocery clerk stops shoplifter, loses job


File this one under “no good deed goes unpunished.” Michigan grocery clerk John Schultz says he lost his job after trying to thwart the getaway of an alleged shoplifter. The firing offense? Touching a customer …

What to do when you suspect an employee is stealing from the company


Few HR dilemmas are as sticky as dealing with an employee accused of stealing from the company. Here’s how to handle the situation with care, making sure your organization doesn’t overstep its bounds and expose itself to liability.

Even ‘Secondhand’ porn can create an illegally hostile environment


Any presence of pornography in the workplace can spark expensive, reputation-draining lawsuits. You need a policy of zero tolerance: No adult material anywhere, anytime — not on office computers, in e-mails, on videotapes or DVDs.

The dreadful dozen: The 12 worst absence excuses ever


CareerBuilder.com recently asked 2,929 hiring managers and HR pros to name the lamest excuses they had ever heard for missing work. Who knew America’s work force was so fragile—or creative? Maybe some innovative strategies can stem the tide of absenteeism.

Sample Policy: Computer Usage

The following sample policy was excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist, © 2010. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________________ “Employees have access to one or more forms of electronic media and services (computers, e-mail, telephones, voice-mail, fax machines, external electronic bulletin boards, wire services, on-line services, the Internet and the […]