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Recruiting via big job boards: 6 tips from your peers


A reader of the Forum section of our free HR Weekly e-letter posed this question: “We’re considering using the big job boards, but I worry we’ll be buried in résumés from every unemployed person. How can we advertise most effectively?” Here’s how some HR professionals replied …

Access to personnel files


Q. Am I required by law to give my employees copies of documents contained in their personnel files? …

Tar Heel tickets a political football for Edwards’ campaign


When Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards returned to the University of North Carolina (UNC) to establish a poverty think tank in 2005, his salary was a matter of public record. But what the press really wanted to know was how many Tar Heel athletics tickets did he try to get? …

The 10 rules every HR pro must know


Lawsuits may be inevitable in today’s litigious society, but losing them is not. Follow these 10 rules to prevent the most common employment-related lawsuits—or at least increase your chances of winning them.

Wellness program: Can you require employees to join?


A “perfect storm” of an aging work force, escalating health care costs, more obese and sedentary employees and a looming shortage of skilled workers could drive organizations to make their wellness programs mandatory within a few years …

GPS to track employees


Q. I would like to install GPS tracking devices in company-owned vehicles to track my employees’ whereabouts and determine whether they are making effective use of company time. I would prefer not to notify my employees that I will be installing these devices. Would I subject my company to any liability for violating our employees’ right to privacy if I take this step? …

Different grooming rules for different employees are legal


Tattoos, body piercings, wildly colored hair—these days it seems as if just about anything goes in the workplace. Employers that want some sense of decorum at work may feel as though insisting on a dress code marks them as dinosaurs. Rest assured, however, that you can insist on a reasonable dress and grooming code …

How to comply with Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace program


Employers participating in Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace (DFW) program must be careful to follow its strict guidelines or risk incurring workers’ compensation benefit liability. In exchange for lower workers’ compensation premiums, Florida employers can agree to adopt the DFW program …

Set harassment policies employees can understand and follow


The best—quite possibly the only—protection employers have against losing a sexual harassment lawsuit is an effective sexual harassment policy. But a policy isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t know about it or find it hard to use …

FBI says Atlanta police failed to pursue child pornographer


The FBI has charged Terrill Crane, the husband of Atlanta police sergeant Tanya Crane, with paying more than a dozen underage girls to have sex with him. Worse, the FBI says it has evidence that the Atlanta Police Department first learned about the alleged crimes seven years ago …