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HR Management

Harassment policy should have several ways to complain


Your organization probably has a sexual harassment policy and provides training on how it works. But does your policy give employees more than one way to lodge a complaint? It should. Here’s why …

A better term for ‘Probationary’ periods


Q. Our company has an initial 90-day probationary period for all new employees. Our employee handbook clearly describes the probationary period and also contains an introduction stating that the company has the right to terminate its employees at any time with or without cause. Our attorney recently informed us that the two provisions may be inconsistent and recommended that we delete the handbook’s reference to a probationary period. Should we follow her advice? …

Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act

Minnesota’s Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (DATWA) limits employers’ ability to test employees and independent contractors for illegal drugs and alcohol. While DATWA does not require employers to perform drug testing, it governs the process if employers elect to do so …

Focus on safety–Not reducing claims–When discussing workers’ comp


Employers naturally want to reduce their workers’ compensation claims—it means lower insurance costs, less lost time and higher productivity. But be careful how you frame the issue. Don’t discourage legitimate claims or retaliate against those who file claims …

Remind employees they may be personally liable for injuries


We all want an injury-free workplace. No injuries means no lost productivity, no workers’ comp payments or premium increases and no additional OSHA scrutiny. But employees sometimes can’t resist horseplay, which can lead to serious injuries. If you need an additional reason to discourage playing around, even in good fun, tell them this: An employee who intentionally hurts a co-worker may be personally sued …

Does your insurance cover you for employee injuries that fall outside workers’ comp?


Nothing can sink an organization faster than having to pay a huge damage award without insurance coverage to pick up at least part of the tab. And if you don’t have the right policy, that can happen under an exception to Michigan’s workers’ compensation law …

Can we impose a disciplinary day off against an exempt employee?


Q. One of our department managers consistently violates our safety policies. We have written him up before, but that does not seem to get through to him. Our safety consultant has suggested that we give the manager a day off without pay to “send a message.” I am concerned that we may have a problem under wage-and-hour laws—that an employer cannot deduct wages from an “exempt” employee. This manager works long hours, and we do not want to face a claim that we made him a nonexempt employee because of a one-day disciplinary suspension. Your thoughts? …

Want healthy employees? Offer a flexible workplace


The advantages of a healthier work force are many—fewer sick days, higher productivity and less-painful health insurance costs. But how can employers encourage a healthier lifestyle without nagging? One surprising way: allow flexible scheduling, such as job sharing, telecommuting and compressed workweeks …

Shots for unionized med workers subject to bargaining


Lately, the Centers for Disease Control regularly warns about the danger of the next super bug or pandemic flu outbreak. That’s one reason it’s no surprise that health care facilities want to inoculate staff against contagious illnesses. But in a union environment, it may not be enough to simply order employees to get shots …

Take it easy: It’s just a couple of nuclear reactors


Exelon Corp. has decided to make security at its 10 nuclear power plants an internal function after private security guards at its Peach Bottom plant in York County were videotaped sleeping on the job. Exelon terminated its security contract with Florida-based Wackenhut Corp. …