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Kansas Employers Take Note: New K-4 Withholding Form Required

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Alternative staffing models may save on employment costs

During these difficult economic times, small and midsized businesses are looking for ways to reduce their employment costs—while maintaining employee benefits and gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Many employers are looking at alternative staffing models to meet those objectives …

Section 1981 Claims


HR Law 101: Section 1981, a little-known section of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, prohibits racial discrimination in the making and enforcement of contracts. Now, employees are increasingly using Section 1981 instead of Title VII to sue for discrimination because there’s no cap on damage awards …

How to measure the return on your training investment

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment (ROI). Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use a formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t …

How to recession-proof your job

With the unemployment rate at a two-year high and the housing market in a slump, “recession” is the word on everyone’s lips. Consider these tips, both professional and personal, for protecting your career and your finances.

Must we release employee files in response to a subpoena?

Q. We recently received a subpoena to turn over an employee’s personnel file. The employee is a party to a lawsuit; the company is not. Do we have to comply? Should we tell the employee?

10 things HR can do to help their companies go ‘green’


Everywhere you turn, something or someone is being promoted as “environmentally friendly.” U.S. employers are no different; they’re jumping into all kinds of green practices in a bid to improve their public images, boost employee morale/loyalty and potentially cut costs …

‘Just kidding. Can we come back now?’


Three teenage students suspended for calling a teacher a pedophile on the social networking site Facebook.com have settled their lawsuits with the Three Rivers School District in Cincinnati …

New York’s new employment laws hit employers hard


Last year, while you were hard at work, so was the New York Legislature. Lawmakers passed a record number of laws affecting employers in 2007. Some laws you may have read about, while others you may have missed. Make sure you’re up to speed on new state laws that surely will impact how you manage employees in 2008 and beyond …

What legal issues does GPS monitoring raise?


Q. Our company would like to start a program where all sales employees will use cell phones that have GPS monitoring. We want to keep track of where employees are so we can make sure they make their sales calls in their own territories and are not wasting time. Is this OK to do? Must we tell employees about the GPS monitoring? What about tracking employees after hours? …