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HR Management

Track HR decisions to show discipline wasn’t harassment

The best way to prevent lawsuits or to get a quick dismissal of unfounded charges is to document every employment decision carefully. You and your staff should be able to show exactly when a decision was made, who made it and what the basis for the decision was …

Open-Door policy is good insurance against harassment claims

You need an open-door policy encouraging employees to come forward with sexual harassment claims. If you show you mean business—by appropriately responding to harassment charges—chances are employees will lose lawsuits if they decline to use the open door and instead suffer sexual harassment in silence …

Addicts, disgruntled workers seize substance abuse rehab centers

A group of recovering addicts and disgruntled employees seized control of six Eastern Pennsylvania drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, saying administrators didn’t understand how to treat addiction and were interfering with their rehab …

Cop pulls a Bonnie and Clyde

Christian Torres, a New York City rookie police officer, allegedly robbed a Sovereign Bank in Muhlenberg Township on April 11, making off with $113,000. He didn’t get far …

Muslims object to bias in state police training

The Pennsylvania chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-PA) has asked the Pennsylvania State Police to change its mandatory officer training class, “Radical Islam: A Law Enforcement Primer” to offer a more balanced view of Islam …

Confused about record-Keeping? DOL unveils online aid

The U.S. Department of Labor last month debuted the FirstStep Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices Advisor, an online tool that helps employers determine which record-keeping and notice laws apply to them …

5 survival tips: Seek employee help to weather the recession

It’s not easy for employees to hear that economic tough times mean they’re not getting a pay raise or that their jobs are in jeopardy. Having to deliver the bad news may be almost as hard. Here are five ways to make the most of a difficult situation—and invite employees to be part of the solution.

Is HR protected for refusing to follow biased orders?

What happens if management wants to fire or otherwise punish an employee for discriminatory reasons, and HR objects? Can an HR professional who is then fired for refusing to play ball proceed to file her own EEOC retaliation or protected-activity claim? Learn how this issue can affect your organization—and your own career.

Wrap it up: Employee loses job after head scarf dispute

Deborah Yehudah joined the University of Georgia (UGA) as a cafeteria worker in July 2005. Yehudah received a copy of the university dress code, which restricted allowable hair restraints to hairnets and UGA food service hats or baseball caps …

Business community gunning for a veto

Some business leaders are calling for Gov. Sonny Perdue to veto a bill in the Georgia Legislature that grants employees the right to bring guns onto company parking lots, subject to their employers’ approval …