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HR Management

Is intermittent leave for childbirth OK? Only if you agree

Here’s an uncommon FMLA question: Can a new father or mother return to work part time, taking intermittent FMLA leave? The surprising answer is no—unless the employer OKs it …

Consult attorney on union contract—Because every word counts

If your organization just became a union shop, chances are you will soon be knee-deep in contract negotiations. Before you sit down and begin drafting language you think is reasonable, consider this: From now on, interpretation of workplace rules will probably be out of your hands and will rest with an arbitrator …

Investigate harassment even if employee complains belatedly

What happens if an employee has tolerated mild harassment for years without complaining and then the behavior escalates? If the employee stops work, takes disability leave and then files a sexual harassment complaint, what should you do? …

Strong privacy policy can curtail rifling through files

Employees who are involved in employment disputes often think they can simply gather up any evidence they find lying about and turn it over to their lawyers. Smart employers try to limit the damage that revealing such confidential information may bring by holding all employees to reasonable privacy and confidentiality rules …

How to help employees accept change in the workplace: It’s all about the 4 C’s


Make suggested ADA accommodation offer in writing

Under the ADA, disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations that enable them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. And employers are required to engage in what the law calls “an interactive process” to determine what accommodations may be possible. But “interactive” doesn’t imply you should approach the process casually …

Kansas Court of Appeals enforces covenant not to compete against physician

In a case that’s good news for Kansas employers, the Kansas Court of Appeals reversed a lower court involving a restrictive covenant. The appeals court found that the noncompete agreement’s three-year term and liquidated damages provisions were enforceable.

Metropolis kicks butts

The city of Metropolis—Illinois’ adopted home of Superman—has offered to pay its employees $1,000 each if they can give up smoking for one year …

Beware: You’re now strictly liable for supervisor harassment

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that sexual harassment cases brought under the Minnesota Human Rights Act should follow the rules laid out for federal Title VII sexual harassment cases. The decision means employers can do precious little to escape liability if a supervisor harasses a subordinate and then takes, or threatens to take, an adverse employment action against that employee …

You get to decide what punishment fits the crime

When it comes to disciplining employees who break company rules, courts like to keep their hands off employer decisions—as long as everyone who breaks a particular rule receives the same punishment. But courts rarely have problems with the rules companies create and the punishments companies assign to particular rules …